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"She's what?" my mom asked impatiently. "Ma'am I'd think its best if we tell you first" my doctor said. "I'm old enough to take it, I took the pain I just went through, stop criticizing me like I'm a baby" I said. "She has a disease, its an unknown disease, and we don't think its a cure for it" The nurse in blue said. My heart stopped, every one around me closed in, I couldn't function what was happening, I was taking diminutive breaths. "No cure?" mom asked. The nurse shook her head, as if she regretted telling us. "Are there treatments?" I asked hopefully. "I'm afraid not, your disease is unknown," she replied. I was confused, how do they know its a disease if its unknown? I thought to myself for a while, and suddenly I was looking at my own body. "MOM!" I shout. "MOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?" I looked at my body, and my eyes were closed, but I was still able to function out of my body. I could hear AND SEE everything. "Well we're gonna let her get some rest" the nurse said. Another nurse walked in and said, "Visiting hours are over Mrs. Miller, your daughter needs rest." My mom kissed me goodbye, and walked out the door. "How is no one able to hear me?" I said aloud. My doctor turned around, confused as ever. "Hello?" He said, "Any one there?" He looked in my direction, and saw that my eyes were still closed. "Strange" he said. He walks out of my room while looking at my file. I could still see my mom's car right outside of my window. I bang on the window expecting her to see me, and she just looked up. I run downstairs to the lobby, letting brief, cold winds blow by. I go pass a room with another lady getting her stomach pumped. The procedure is what made me regret everything I did. "They had to do that to me?" I asked. "Any one there?" the nurse said while still pumping her stomach. "So they can hear me, but cant see me, and my body is physically there, but I'm mentally else where?" I thought to myself. I quickly snapped back into reality, and ran out the hospital door where I see my mom. Something frightened me, something I never wanted to hear, nor see

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