Chapter 4

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My mom appears out of no where. "Speak of the devil" Skye said. I cut her with my eyes, letting her know to stop talking. "Pardon me?" My mom said discourteously. "No need for the attitude mom, Skye was JUST leaving" I said with extertion. "Right" Skye said. She walked out the room rapidly, not even saying good bye. "I've messed up big time" I thought to myself. "How you feeling baby girl?" My mom asked. I just nodded my head, I felt bad for her. Not only had she been lying to me, she was on drugs. I looked at my mom, and saw something that looked like salt on her nose. I already knew. The thought of it extinguished me in the inside. "Something- your nose mom." She looked at me wide eyed and said, " oh, I was cooking pancakes, for the, neighbors" she replied. I smiled crookedly, not expecting her to read my face. **BEEP** A new message popped up on my phone. "Skye" I thought. "Whatever you do, NEVER forget about me " the message read. The room was silent for a while. Me being frightened I broke the silence by clearing my throat and saying , "mom, have you heard from dad?"she looked at me shocked. She hadn't spoke to my dad in years, and I don't think her intentions ever changed. She was hanging with the wrong people, and she was going to end up at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Your dad, was in an accident a couple of years ago sweety" she said sadly. "He died, by the cause of it." I looked at her with my eyes widened, and my heart stopping again. I fell back, and went into a deep sleep. There I was, looking at me again. My mom put her ear to my chest, and could see I was still clearly breathing, just asleep. "Here goes nothing" I said to myself. I grab my mom's keys out of her purse and run to the lobby and out into the parking lot fast as lightning. The car door was what was giving me a hard time opening it. " Hey!" Somebody shouts. I look back and see the man that cleans up the hospital. He had on a green looking jump suit, curly, dirty , blonde hair, black nikes , and multiple keys on his waste. Turns out, he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to the kids that were spray painting the windows. "THATS VANDALISM"he shouts angrily. I started to reminisce those days where I used to have that much fun. It brought a pleasant smile to my face. I continued to unlock the car door and get inside. Founds out my mom was doing more than just sniffing crack, and smoking weed. She was selling it as well, and had stacks of money, and bags of drugs. "She has lied to me all my life " I said aloud. I opened the dashboard and there were more bags of weed and cocaine. Tears came rolling down my cheek, I started to feel melancholy. In the back seat I saw a letter. It was from my dad. The date was 10/26/14. "October 26th is my birthday " I thought. I opened the letter, and there was a ticket to Disney land in there. And many more tickets to places in my hometown. " he tried to see me, but she wouldn't let him " I thought. I took the letter and shoved it in my back pocket, and as I was doing that , I was slowly waking up. I fell out of the car, hitting my head hard this time. As I am waking up my mom is wiping my forehead. "You started bleeding out of no where " she said. I swallowed hard and said, "you should go" she somehow understood, kissed me goodbye and left.

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