Part 2

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You place the backpack down on your bed. You pull out your phone and walk out onto the balcony, the crowd gathering around the front of the building. You hear a few people screaming something, but you can't tell what.
"Hi!" you yell down the them, pulling out your phone to record a video of them on snapchat. You post it on your story, and sit down in a chair.
One of your friends texts you.
Allison (A): I saw ur story. U've become so famous!
You (Y): I know! Its crazy. Im so nervous though.
A: Don't be, imagine all the famous people u will meet. And the cute boys ;)
Y: Not everythings about boys
A: Ik, but direct them my way if u dont wang them
Y: Will do
Y: I gtg, ttyl
A: Ok, bye 😘😘
Y: ❤️
You shut off your phone and walk back inside, locking the door and closing the curtains behind you.

Finn Wolfhard x Reader [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now