Part 33

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"Hi, (Y/n), we're so sorry for your parents. We're here if you ever need us," Allison's mom says.
"Thank you," you mumble. You reach down and pick up Hope, who was by your feet, shaking.
"Oh my God! She's adorable! What's her name?" Allison asks, petting Hope on the head.
"Hope," you say.
"Sweety, where's your brother?" Allison's mom asks.
"I'll get him," you say before running off to your room, Hope still in your hands.
Danny and Allison's parents talk for a bit while you and Allison go to your room.
"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" Allison asks.
"I can't look at it right now," you say.
"Alright. But, I'll give you time, but you can't disappear on me now. You have your brother, and I'm sure he has you. Also, you have the support of millions," Allison says. Hope crawls across the bed to her, licks her, then comes back to you. "That dog really loves you," Allison says.
"It was my parent's last gift to me," you say.
Allison nods. You can tell she feels bad, just doesn't have the words to say it.
"I think Danny wanted to go to the hospital soon to see them before the funeral."
"Okay. I'll drop off the homework for you after school I guess," Allison says.

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