Part 21

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You FaceTime Allison.
"Hey, (y/n), what's up?" She says when she picks up.
"So much," you say. You disappear off the camera, packing up.
"Tell me everything!" She says.
"Well, Carly was trying to use me to meet the Stranger Things kids," you start. Allison lets out a laugh. "And then my mom said I can see Finn a-"
"Aren't you and Finn dating?" She asks.
"What? No! We're just friends."
She sighs, "You two would be so cute together."
A blush grew across your face, "But anyways, I get to meet the Stranger Things kids this weekend!"
"(Y/n), that's amazing! I wish I can meet them!"
"Allison, you know I promised you that you'd be my main traveling budy over Spring and Summer break."
"I know, I know."
"Anyways, I have to go finish packing. I love you. Bye."
"Love you too, bye."

Finn Wolfhard x Reader [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now