Part 48

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You and Finn left your safe place and walked back, telling each other corny jokes.

"Okay, okay, I got one," Finn says, "Does your face hurt?"

"Oh God," you mumble, "No, why?"

"Cause it's killing me," he says. You look at Finn, trying to hold back from laughing. "I'm just joking, you're beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful," Finn says, grabbing your hand and intertwining fingers.

A blush swept across your face, "I don't deserve you."

Then you stopped at the door, and you pushed it open. A patient Hope was sitting there, her tail wagging as soon as she saw you. You picked her up and carry her over to the couch. No one else was in there, so everyone was probably getting ready.

Before 9:00, everyone was ready. So, you all got in the minivan that Finn's family had rented when coming down here. Hope was a service animal, so she got to tag along. You, Hope, and Finn sat in the back row, Nick and Danny in the middle row, and Finn's parents in the front. Danny and Nick were talking about a video game, while you just rested your head on Finn's shoulder with Hope in your lap. She did very well for being in a car again.

The photo shoot lasted a few hours. Finn looked really cute taking the photos. "You want to join him?" the photographer asked.

"Sure," you said, getting up with Hope. You took her off her leash and took off her vest so she was back to looking like a normal dog. You and Finn took a few photos, and it was fun. Finn went back to taking photos alone for a little while.

After the photo shoot, you stopped at a donut shop and got some donuts and coffee. People, mainly kids your age and younger, noticed you two and asked for autographs and pictures.

Finn Wolfhard x Reader [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now