Part 30

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Going back home put you in a bad mood. It was an amazing weekend! (Other than it being awkward between you and Finn after the first night). You got to meet fans, and now you were better friends with the others.
But, you started spending more time with your mom and dad. You had no clue why you wanted to hang out with them every minute of the day, but you did.
On Sunday, they had to go pick something up. They hadn't told you what yet so you waited patiently waited.
After an hour or two, you called them. "Hey sweety," your mom said.
"Hi mom and dad," you said.
"Is anything wrong?" Your dad asks.
"No, I just really wanted to call you," you said.
"Okay. Well, we should be home in a few minutes," your dad explains.
"Okay," you say.
"Bye, I love you," your mom says.
"I also love you," your dad adds.
"I love you both more," you say.
Then, they hung up. Your leg bounced up and down as you waited on the couch.
Police sirens rang in the distance, and soon got closer. Then there was a knock on the door. Danny came out of his room and opened it.
"Yes?" he asked. The police officer had a guilty look on his face.
"There was a car crash, and your parents were involved in it," the police said. Danny's face looked terrified.
"W-what happened to them?" you say, walking towards the door.
"I'm sorry, but they were killed upon impact," he says.
Your knees buckled beneath you and you fell to the ground. Tears poured from your eyes.
"There was something in the back of the car though," he says. Danny picked you up, bridal style, and carried you to the police officer's car.

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