Part 41

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You find yourself crying, wiping away each tear before they can reach your cheeks. The door slides open, and you look over expecting to see Finn. But, nothing was there. A moment later, Hope jumps up onto the bed and crawls into your lap.

"I don't know what to do, Hope," you sigh, "my life is a mess...I'm a mess."

"No you're not," Finn says. You look up to see him in the doorway.

"So now you're spying on me?" you say.

"What? N-no! I wo-," Finn stutters before you cut him off.

"I was joking," you say, laughing.

"Oh. Well, everyone's waiting for you. I'll give you time," Finn says, turning around to leave the room. You jump up and quickly catch up to him.

"Wait," you say. He turns around and you give him a hug, "thanks for checking on me."

"Why wouldn't I?" he says. You pulls away and he leaves the room and Hope follows him. You quickly clean your face up and leave the room.

When you get there, Danny looks up at you. "The plans for this weekend are that Finn has his photo shoot at 11 A.M., so if he goes, we have to be out of here by 9:30. After that, we should be home but 5, and if you want to do anything just tell me. Then, Sunday we have the funeral," he explains.

"Alright," you say, looking at Finn, "can Allison come over tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Danny says.

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