I heard the steady drone of our fan as I laid in bed. It was morning but I wasn't in a rush to wake up. I looked over at Jo who was on her side facing the kitchen. She was asleep but she hadn't been all night. The last time I heard her up walking around was at 2am. That was pretty normal for her though. She got so used to being awake to take night shifts that when she didn't have to work she couldn't sleep. I got up and went to the bathroom careful not to wake her. I took a shower and got dressed but the time I came out she was already up making coffee. Stress from her new job as chief and from her ex showing up has caused her to look more tired and worn out than normal. I even think she is losing a bit of weight even though she denies it. She is still pretty. She had a specific and distinctive beauty about her. It was more in an adorable sense. Most of the Interns had a crush on her though which I found humor in. She didn't.
"They will never take me seriously Alex"
"Yes they will just scare them a little bit"
"Scare them how?"
"Well you can put a few on my service. I already put glasses on B-Team once."
"Yeah i know he has requested everyone except you"
I sat on the end of the bed to put my shoes on.
"Leaving already" she said wiping her hair out of her face and taking the coffee she made off the counter
"Yeah I have a surgery at 7."
"Really what kind?"
"A bone malformation correction. Wanna scrub?'
"I can't I have to do scut. I heard from Hellmouth they are welcoming a new Peds surgeon. Got a name?'
"No" I said tying my last shoe and standing up to find my jacket "I know Arizona is excited because it's supposed to be a girl. She is looking for someone else to train in her field in her spare time"
"You said no?" she questioned while walking to grab her phone off the nightstand where it was charging
"Yeah I'm more of a older kids kind of guy. And babies on occasion but after they are born."
"Hm" She said staring at her phone. "Oh shoot Helmouth and glasses are killing my patient."
"Want a ride?"
"Yeah give me five minutes" she says as she throws her wavy hair into a pony tail and runs into the bathroom
When we got to the hospital, she kissed me on the cheek so fast I barely felt it and then ran inside. I parked the car and was met by Meredith who was rushing to take the kids to daycare. She was holding Ellis while Bailey was screaming to be carried too so I scooped him up and walked with them.
"So have you seen her yet?" Meredith asked as she switched Ellis to the opposite hip so she could see me better.
"Seen who?" I asked
"Izzie" She said glaring at me like I was suppose to know.
"Why would I have seen Izzie." I paused "no one has seen her in years"
We get to the end of the parking garage when Meredith stops and grabs my arm "Alex she is here today. She said she had a case. A little boy with Marfan Syndrome with chest complications."
"Do you mean she is the new Peds surgeon?'' I laughed at the irony of her coming back "did she call you?"
"Yeah last night" she looked at me worryingly "are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I said. I believed this too. Truth is I wasn't really angry with Izzie anymore. She felt like she had to leave and that was her choice. I grew up and I was happy.
"Okay" said Meredith snapping me out of my thoughts "Well does Jo know? Where is she we have to work on the competition stuff?"
"No she doesn't know but she is here. Pierce paged her this morning. Apparently Glasses and Hellmouth left the room of one of her patients and she coded while they were gone. Than they couldn't find a crash cart or something " I laughed " I'm pretty sure this is one of the most incompetent class we have ever had"
"I don't know I mean Wilson's class was pretty bad it's almost a miracle she's smart" Meredith laughed.
" Yeah but the class after her was something too"
Meredith chuckled " But honestly how do you think she will take to Izzie?"
"I don't think she will mind really. You know she once told me to call her" I said as I put Bailey down and gave him a dollar not to cry.
"Yeah" I said starting to walk again " She will be fine. Not that I would know if she was mad because she tends to just stop talking to me."
"Yeah I used to do that to Derek." she opened the door to the hospital and walked in as Bailey and I followed. "When I did talk to him though I yelled"
"She has yelled before but not to often. Anyway I have to go get ready for my surgery."
"Wait. What about Izzie?"
"I'll figure it out when I see her'" I said walking away
I didn't give the Izzie situation much thought. If she was here for a case than she would be gone again after the case. She was always good at leaving. I didn't worry about it because I didn't need to. I didn't believe that her return would cause a big impact on my life.
This chapter is pretty long and that will be the theme for this book. I want to try to develop as many things as I can for this book. Oh by the way Christina didn't move away in my book because... I mean... does anyone really want her gone.
Preview of the next chapter :)
I knew going back to the hospital would be hard. Everyone would have moved on know. Meredith had kids, I knew this because she sent pictures. Alex was probably still being Alex and hooking up with a blonde haired, blue eye beauty. Christina was most likely a world class surgeon by now. I didn't want to go back but I did want to. I was older now. I needed a family.
Jolex: Izzie's Return
FanfictionAlex and Jo are finally over all he drama of the past year. But what happens when Izzie decides to pay a visit with ulterior motives? Will this be their last obstacle or will it be the one that tears them apart?