After math

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(Bet you thought yalls were getting the party now? NOPE. I'm skipping it bc I'm a lazy fitta. That's Swedish btw. This is after the party and everything is cleaned up. Have fun!)

Dan's  POV

I was sat infront of Y/N. I don't remember getting here. All I can think of is an objective that shouldn't be made this early in our relationship. I feel as if I have no control over my body, yet complete control over my emotions. We are at a restaurant, no dought on that. Waiters were everywhere. It's probably a fancy place, or I wouldn't be wearing a tux. The tux was purple ( buy MANIA on iTunes btw) that matched her dress. She looked flawless. We laughed as she told stories about her and Tyler. She has know him for a while. I take her hand. What am I doing?! I feel my heart beatin, no, pounding out of my chest.  Someone could cut the tension with a knife.  I simply hold her hand as I feel my pocket with the other. There is a small box shaped object. Why am I doing this? I want to ask her but this isn't the right time. I use all me force. Nothing happens. Why can't I stop myself? It's like someone built a brick wall between my actions and emotions. Unfortunately, I'm stuck on the emotion side of that wall. ( sounds like America in the future) I got out of my seat and knelt down. All I can do is observe. I pull the box out of my pocket and present is to her whilst opening it. "Y/N. Will you make me the happiest man in the entirety of the earth and allow me to be your husband?" There was a long pause. She looked at me. Her eyes looked dead. "Are you serious? Why are you even asking me this? I don't love you! I never have. I did it for the fame. I can easily go back and tell them that you broke up with me. I'm a very good actor you know. Clearly, since you actually thought that I loved you. I'm sure you can still go out with little Philly. The crowd wow love that." She grabbed the box out of my hand. She threw the ring across the room and smashed the box to pieces. She smirks at me, heartbroken on the floor, as she walked out. Why would she do this? How could she do this? I couldn't move. Is this what it's like... to be stabbed in the chest? It's almost as if I'm being punished for something. For what though? Was I selfish? It feels like my heart has stopped. I couldn't believe what happened. I picked myself up and I ran put of the restaurant. Tear shed down my face as I run across the pavement whilst I try to get home before Y/N. I reach the doors and get into the apartment to see Phil comforting her. She is a devil. "Go away Dan. Look what you did to her! You should be ashamed." I can't speak. Nor can I move. I just stand there. Silent...




I fall to my knees as the javelin that has already impaled my heart is twisted and ripped out. How is live so devilish? I don't know. I have loved her since highschool. Now, i know that she never truly cared about me. She only wanted fame. I feel the pain ticking at my heart. This is the end of love for me for a while...

I jolted up out of bed screaming at the top of my lungs.  I'm drenched with sweat.  I feel a soft hand touch my arm that makes me calm down a bit. "Dan, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Y/N said, worried. "I thought I lost you..." I croaked. My voice was shaky as I pulled her into a tight embrace. I kissed her and said "Never leave me. Please." She nodded as we both laid down and fell back asleep. What a terrible dream.

Word count: 684

A/N:  Hey guys! Long time no.... write? Idk. Anyways. I have been going through some stuff lately which is why I haven't been able to post lately. A big thanks goes to the people who left a message on a previous chapter about it, trying to cheer me up. ( also a big thanks to those who bought MANIA. Buy MANIA on iTunes btw ) Anyways. See ya soon squishes ⚘

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