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Your POV

I woke up next to Dan as usual and I got up to take a shower. In the shower, I just thought about random stuff. Like how some people don't believe in Canada. (Seriously) I got out, got dressed and went back into the room to see Dan sitting on the bed looking a bit scared. "What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him. He looked up at me and said, "My parents invited us over for dinner so they can meet you." I chuckled. "Why are you so worried about that? I'm sure it'll be fine." He sighed and replied "Well, my dad has never liked any of my girlfriends. I would introduce them and he would just look at them and flip. I don't want him to do the same with you." I grabbed his hand to calm him down. "Dan. Don't worry. It's gonna be ok." I gave him a big hug and went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Hey Y/N. Whatcha doing?" Phil asked walking over to me. "I'm getting something to eat before me and Dan leave." "Where are you going?" He tilted his head at me. "His parents wanted to meet me." Phil looked at me a bit shocked. "Hah. Good luck. You'll probably need it." It doesn't sound like Dans dad is going to like me. I eat a bowl of cereal and wait for Dan to come out. We wave goodbye to Phil and get in a cab to his parents house. I'm actually a bit nervous now. Even Phil said I'm gonna need some luck. But, now that I think about it.. who cares if he likes me or not? He's probably just really over protective of him. Nothing bad about that. Hopefully.. We pull up to his parents house and we are greeted by a nice woman, who I assume is his mother, smiling at us. "Oh hello Daniel! I missed you. This must be Y/N," she said, hugging him and looking at me. "That's correct. It's nice to meet you." Her smile grows. "Oh well aren't you cute! Come inside. Dan's father will be excited to finally meet you." I look at Dan with hesitation and we follow her inside. Once we get in, I see a tall man standing in the living room. He looks at me up and down. Dan flinches a bit, expecting him to frown and throw a fit. But he smiles and holds out his hand for me to shake. "You must be Dan's girlfriend. I'm his dad, nice to meet you." I smile back and shake his hand. Dan looks at him a but shocked. His father looks back at him. "Haven't seen you in a little while have I? Still a skinny fella, huh. Glad to see you at least got a little bit of fat on your bones." He chuckled. Dan, still a bit shocked, smiled a bit. "Oh quit it. The boy just got back you don't need to tease him already," his mum replied. I kind if just stood there watching ad the family got caught up on what has happened to them. Dan's father looked at me again. "How did you meet this little rat anyhow?" He joked pointing at his son. "Well, we actually met in highschool.." I told him about us meeting and then seeing each other again when I moved in and all of that. I had just finished when his mum entered the room. "Dinners ready!" We all got up and sat at the table. We all began eating and I saw Dan sort of eyeing his dad down.

Dan's POV

Why was he acting so different to her than he did to the others? Is it because I'm more mature? Does he just have a hunch about her? Does she just seem like a better person? I'm probably just over reacting. I look back at my food and continue eating. "Dan. Can I talk to you in the other room?" My dad said and he got up. Uh oh. "Yeah sure." I set down my fork and follow him to the other room. "Dan, look. I know that i over reacted about your other girlfriends.. I'm sorry. I just didn't want you getting with the wrong people. I don't know why, but this girl is different. She just seems like a better person for you. But, don't listen to me, ok? You have your own opinion on who you date. When I first wanted to date your mum my parent didn't like her. Look at us now! I hope you make the right decision. If you think this is the one, go for it. But if you dont, that's fine." I... "Thanks dad." I gave him a hug and we went back to the table. I had a huge smile on my face. Y/N looked an me confused. I mouthed "I'll tell you later" and continued eating. After we finished and helped clean up, we said our goodbyes and me and Y/N got another cab home. "What was all that about?" she said. I explained it to her and a big smile crept on her face. "That makes me feel a bit better." We arrive back at our flat and we tell Phil what happened. Even he was shocked about my dad acting that way. Me and Y/N go upstairs a pass out on the bed feeling happy that my dad finally accepts one of my girlfriends.


Thank you all for reading this book btw. It's awesome to know that someone actually likes this crappy thing. Starting school too so that won't be fun. Oh well

Til next time ⚘

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