Hush little Danny

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Dan's POV

I don't know where I am. I'm panicking. Everything is dark. I can only what's right by me, unless there just isn't anything else. My knees are aching due to me being on them on a cold, hard floor. I try to stand up. I can't. There's something on my wrists. I look behind me. There's a small metal ring attached to the floor with a rope tied to it. I follow the rope with my eyes. That's what's holding my arms down. I'm sweating now. How did I get here? Is this a prank? Where's Phil? Where's Y/N? I try to listen closely in case anyone is here with me. But I'm breathing too heavily. I can't help it. What would you do if you where in my situation? I look up to see someone, a dark figure, standing there. They aren't short, but they aren't tall either. They don't necessarily look.. human.. It says nothing. "What do you want from me?" I yelled. Despite not having a face or anything of the sort, it seemed like it sort of smirked at me. I felt a bit calmer, but I was still scared. It seemed to hint behind me. I look back once again. The rope. It's still there, but it's not on my hands anymore. I didn't feel it come off, or else I would have started running before hand. Although, knowing I could easily do so now, I didn't. I look back at the figure. It's still there, standing around the same height as me while I'm on my knees. I stand up and look down at it. My eyes drift towards my hand. An apple? I'm so confused. I blink and suddenly I'm somewhere else with the figure. It's still dark, but it's bright enough to see a bit more. There, next to us, was a dead, rotting apple tree. I gasp. The apple that is still in my hand is fresh. In fact, it's one of the most alive apples I've seen. I look back up at the figure. I nod at it. I don't really understand why. For some reason, I close my hand around the apple and I raise my arm so it is in between me and the figure. Something resembling an arm raises up from the figure, right below mine. I drop the apple onto it. It looks.. happy. Suddenly, everything goes white. The figure disappears. Now I'm in a park. At least I think. I look next to me. There's the apple tree. But now, it's alive. It's thriving even! I don't understand what happened. I smile, sitting at the base of the tree. I slowly close my eyes.

I wake up sweating. I don't get what happened. It's 10 am. I quickly get dressed and go to the door. "Where are you going?" Y/N asked, looking at me as I rush through the lounge. "I'll tell you when I get back. It'll only be a few minutes." I speed out the door and outside. I run to the park. Once I get there, I go towards the center where the old dead apple tree was. The one I saw in my dream. It was a real tree. It's been dead longer than I've been alive. I get to the tree. Sure enough, it's still dead. I don't get it. I walk up to the tree. People are looking at me weirdly. I don't care though. I gently put my hand on the trunk of the tree. Slowly, starting from where my hand made contact, it started being revived. The trunk was brighter, the bark grew back, the leaves forming again. Apples pop up all over the tree. Soon enough, the tree is back to life. Everyone around me was shocked. They were amazed at the sudden liveliness of the old tree. People started clapping and grabbing apples. I have no clue what I did, but I'm glad I did it.

Word vount:666

This is based off of an actual dream I had. The last part didn't happen, but the dream did. I don't understand what it means. But, I thought it would be a nice addition.

Til next time ⚘

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