Not him again...

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(I'm back bois. This may be a bit different than how I wrote the other chapters but I think it's a bit better. Sorry)

Your POV

I continue to walk down the London pavement, hearing each tap as my foot hits the ground. I'm not going anywhere in particular. Just walking around, looking at all the shops and people. It's around the time of year when it's not warm yet, but not snowing. Just a light coldness on your neck and back. As I walk past all the stores, I see a small figure a few feet ahead of me. I walk a bit closer and notice that it is a small, furry creature. A cat. More specifically a black cat. I don't quite understand why people don't like them. They are amazing even if they are dark and sinister looking. Dan is but people still like him. I walk up to the cat and crouch down, gaining its attention. I call it over and I just pet it, not paying much attention to my surroundings. Without realizing, I play with the cat a bit longer than I intended. It's now a bit dark out. I stand back up and wave goodbye to the kitten. I continue walking. All that I can hear now is the occasional car driving past. Not many people are out today. I see someone, a dark figure. It just stands there as I get closer. I go to walk past but before I do the person grabs my wrist. "Did you miss me?" Oh no. No no no no. Not him again. I look at the person. He takes off his hood and reveals his face.  He smiles devilishly at me as I stare at him in horror. This is my ex, Josh. (DUN DUN DUN) "I never have, and never will miss you." I say sternly. "Oh, she is a sassy one now, is she?" He tilts his head ever so slightly. "Get away from me you ass." I try to yank my arm away. No luck. "Oh no missy. You are still mine. You know it." I feel an arm slowly touch my back and slide down... He grabs my ass. As he does this he loosens his grip a small bit and I take the opportunity. I grab my arm and rip it put of his hand an punch him in the jaw. He falls back in shock and taps his lip. Blood. It drips down and the droplets make tiny splashes as they hit the pavement. "Dickwad." I start walking home, a bit faster than when I came. I quickly turn the corner and I bump into someone. A tall figure this time. I didn't see who they were, as I fell back when I ran into them. I ran into them pretty hard, as my head was dizzy. "Ugh. I'm so sorry" I say rubbing my head. I see a hand reach out to me and I grab it. I look up at the person as they pull me back up. "Dan?"

Dan's POV

I help Y/N up and I look at her. "Where have you been? I've been liking for you. It's late." I said. She looked rushed and flustered. "Well, I went on a walk just to look around and I pet a cat... But when I went to go home, I was stopped by someone" She started to tear up. "Woah what happened?" I hug her tight. Her breathing is a bit heavy. That may just be from running though. "I-it was my ex..." She kept stuttering and fumbling with her words. "He grabbed my wrist a-and he wouldn't let go. He tried touching my butt and then I socked him in the face and ran" I kind of chuckled at the last part. "Don't worry. It's fine. Let's just go home" She nodded and we began home. I felt a small tap on my hand as we were walking. I looked down and smile. She keeps trying to fit her hand into mine. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. She smiles a bit. There are barely any cars out anymore. Just a few people closing their shops or walking home. The slow breeze feels good this time of year. It's not strong to where you need a coat, but it's also still cool enough to wear a hoodie or sweatshirt. We get to the flat and head up to our room. She flops on the bed and almost immediately falls asleep. I lay next to her and I soon fall asleep aswell.

Rest up Daniel. We've got plans for Y/N don't we?

Word count:782

Thank you all so much for 600 reads! I never thought that my stupid story would have so many people reading it. I hope you like the more detailed style. Not that much different from the dream one but more complex than the others. May do another dream one...
We'll see.

ALSO go follow my Instagram. @ lively.golbach

Til next time ⚘

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