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I get that for some of us stuff type of "labes" aren't important or are in a different way, but for some of us it's the basis of our life.

I identify as bigender, which means that sometimes i feel like a female and some times i feel like a male and some days i feel like both at once.
I am pansexual which means i'll fall in love with you regardless of what you identify as. Just be human and most importantly act like one!

I mean, some people are just the nerve when i tell them my correct pronounce. I mean how hard is it to just be respectful of others? Honestly? I ask myself that question every day.

And i do agree that there are more important stuff to talk about and more important stuff i could write about but little thing that to some aren't important are normal to talk about unless it is a taboo subject just like this one.

Why do we have to come out? Why do heterosexual, cis gender people have a problem with our prides? Why is it "wrong" when someone feels the way they do so they put a label on it and suddenly they are told that they are immature which is bullshit.

-> had a little breakdown that day because i came out as bigender and the closest people to me just shut it down and now im back in my cocoon and i feel like never coming out..

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