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You can't do this. You can't do that. I
Can't even tell you how many times I've heard that in my life. And I'm just fifteen.

Let's settle it. I am fifteen, I have a vagina. No good, I know.

You can't be masculine.
You can't wear that, you look like a slut.
You can't have short hair, you'll look like a boy.
You can't be smart, you're a girl.
You can't be right, you're a girl.

It seems like just because I have a vagina, that means I can't do about.. ANYTHING right. Well Society technically says I can do what ever I want but I can't apparently. Messy ain't it?

More facts from a female: Fun!->

Just because I am a feminist doesn't mean I hate men. I am not a feminazi. Get your facts right!

Just because I am pansexual doesn't mean that just because i don't fuck pans I would in any universe ever fuck you nor am I interested in having a threesome with you and your girlfriend.

Just because i have tattoos and piercings doesn't mean I like kinky sex.

Just because I like showing off my body doesn't mean you can touch it without my permission.
.. Or anyone's body, really.

Can I just address this issue?

Men get raped too. And again, just because someone has a penis doesn't mean it can't happen.

Men can have emotions too. Why you ask? Well maybe because they were born with them but society says that having feelings is just something that girls have.


You're born into this world absolutely pure. If you're born into a muslim family you believe in Allah and you pray 5 times a day, if you are born into a christian family you pray before every meal and go to church every Sunday.

When you're born with a vagina a pink nursery is awaiting you the moment you leave the hospital. You are taught to love dresses and make flower crowns and help out in the kitchen. You are taught that no matter what you do there is that one person that is going to call you a slut when you're still a virgin.
That you need to protect yourself from getting raped because.. well, it's the victims fault if that happens of course.

If you're born with a dick a blue nursery is awaiting you. You are taught to wear jeans and love sports and don't you dare wear make up! You are taught you don't have feelings. Helping out in the kitchen? Oh hell no, football is your place to go. And if someone is gay call him a fag because no one can know that you like boys and would love to be in the pink nursery more than life.

All I'm saying is our life isn't our decision. What happened to my body, my pride? My life, my decisions?

We just like to say things and blame our problems on the society we live in, but let me just remind you that we ARE society!

It's time we make a change.

Let's start like this, I know you're lying when you say that you never judged anyone. It's okay. Now just stop.

Now that that is done - support lgbt. I know right, what a cliché? But it's true. Love wins. Always.

Make it okay for boys to wear makeup.

Make it okay for girls to be masculine.

Why is that so wrong?

Why anytime I feel like wearing "boys clothes" I am labeled a lesbian.

Just make it ok, ok?

.. -unfinished

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