Human bodies.
Some hear these words and think about sex, others abuse and others as just two words that are like oversized t-shirts -> you wear them but they are just pretty.
Some think of disorders, I think of a canvas.
To some tattoos are something that you destroy your body with, some may think it's just an accessory but I think its art that shows your true self.
I personally am horrible with emotions. I have a problem expressing them, showing them. Showing the fountain of weakness inside my heart that from time to time pours out. It scares me.
Some people make poor choices with their tattoos, others may like it in the moment and regret them later by expressing self hatred towards them selves.
I don't understand that. How can you regret a memory that stays in your head no matter what you do anyways and now you just have something to remind you the period of time you wore only black or when you wanted a puppy but now you own a cat.
Tattoos are untold stories, memories, secret truths about you that you hide. They help you express YOU.
I am very much aware that if i do get a memory on my body i may regret it, but i know i wont.
As a person you change by time. You do. But you're still you just an evolved you.
When i got my first big tattoo i was so scared i was going to regret it and i do some days - I'm thinking it could have turned out better but.. I wouldn't change it for the world not even the mistakes on it because it's more memorable.
My tattoos have to have meaning, really remind me of a period in my life or just even remind me of the person i used to be. I think it tells a story and its beautiful.
Dear mom,
I never meant to disappoint you or worry you by getting tattoos but on the other hand you must understand that my tattoos are who i am. Im going to get tattooed and its going to happen often and sometimes not under the best circumstances but it is going to happen. Im telling about it because i know, you and i don't have a lot in common but i want us to remember each other by the relationship we had.
Im not saying you have to like my tattoos or even support me having them but im asking you to respect the fact that tattoos are a thing that is one of the most amazing things that mean the world to me. Its my way of self expression and i wanted this since i was 7 or younger.
I love you and i want you to love me for who i am and not for who you wished i was.
Thank you for reading this and actually tried to understand.Xoxo,
Your loving daughter🌹