Saving Alex - Chapter Fourteen.

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I told Courtney I was going to bed and I was almost asleep when BAM! I was having ideas and I just needed to write them. So yeah. Enjoy!


Taylor :D

Corrine's eyes went wide, fear evident in her green orbs. "Luke." She gasped. Before anyone could say anything, Cory took off for the door, literally taking the door of it's hinges.

I ran off after her, pumping my legs as fast as they could. Corrine and I used to run together every morning back home, so we were extremely quick - not to be cocky or anything.

The janitors yellow mop cart was in the middle of the floor, creating an obstacle for us. Cory jumped over it with ease, me following suit. I could see the desperation in her running; she was thinking of no one but Alex.

Corrine passed the elevators right up, shoving the door of the stairwell open. We both bounded down the steps. I turned my head for a second to see Liam right on our tails.

Wasn't he supposed to be an olympic runner or something? You would think he's be ahead of us, but he wasn't. I mentally noted that. Corrine and I could be olympic runners one day.

"Someone call 911!" Corrine shouted.

"We can't!" I said. "You have to wait 48 hours before reporting someone missing!"

She growled as she turned a corner. I knew she was trying to listen for anything - A scream, a bang. Something. She came to a stop in front of a dark alley.

"Get off of her!" Corrine barked, lunging into the darkness. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Liam and I came to a halt in front of the alley. I took in the scene. A bigger man - who was currently being taken down by Corrine -, about seven garbage cans, and an unconscious Alex laying in the middle of the concrete, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear. The man had planned to rape her, undoubtedly.

I looked up to see how Corrine was doing. They both backed off of each other and were just glaring. Liam took a defensive stance, legs apart and shoulders up. It made him look bigger than he actually was.

"I'm going to rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass, that it comes out your mouth." Liam seethed.

Luke took a step toward Liam. "I'd like to see you try, you little bitch."

Liam tackled Luke to the ground and began to punch him repeatedly until Luke threw him off. Liam rolled onto his stomach, obviously stunned by the blow. Before anyone could process what was happening, Luke jumped on to Liam's back...

Right where his only kidney was.


Corrine! :D

Liam screamed out in agony. Fury overrode my fear and I head butted Luke, knocking him unconscious. It was the quickest thing to do.

I couldn't focus on Luke, I had to focus on Liam. I knew Luke had ruptured Liam's kidney. I knelt down next to Him, taking his hand in mine.

"Taylor, call 911!" I screamed. I looked down at Liam. His face was twisted in pain and Alex still hadn't woken up yet. "Li," I cooed. "Stay with me, buddy."

He groaned. "Alex."

I strained a smile. "She's okay now, Liam. Don't worry. Y-you gotta st-tay with me, o-okay?" I chocked out the last sentence. My eyes were beginning to fill with tears. As much as I claimed to hate Liam, I didn't. I still loved him.

He was my twin.

"Cory - I'm..." His voice was strained. He was starting to lose consciousness. "I'm sorry."

"I-It's okay." Liam's eyes started to get droopier. I began to shake, fearing the worst. "L-Liam. Can y-you hear me?" He didn't answer. "C-c-come on Li-am. This isn't fun-ny." I hiccuped.



I was currently in the ICU, watching as Liam suffered. The doctors needed to get him a kidney - and fast. They did rapid fire tests on all five of the guys, Taylor, Skylar, AND Alex. None of them matched.

Alex woke up an hour ago. She was fine, sitting with us in the waiting room. She had stitches in her right had, but other than that she was fine. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. She was worried sick about Liam.

I was currently waiting for my test results. If Liam and I were a match, I would give him my kidney. I wouldn't even have to think twice.

I began to pace until the doctor come out. "Ms. Parker?"

"That's me." I said, running up to him.

He smiled weakly. "You're in luck. Your kidney matches Liam's perfectly."

I gulped. "Let's do this."

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