Boyfriend or not? - Chapter 24.

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Hello, lovelies!

I'm so tired right now, but I love all of you so much that I'm writing this with my eyes half closed. I'm also writing this on my phone, so sorry for any mistakes in this.

I tried my best. So, yeah.



** Corrine ** :D

"Cory!" A voice whispered huskily. "Baby, you have to wake up. We're here."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes groggily. "But I'm comfy." I whined, snuggling closer into whoever was next to me. I'm pretty sure it was Zayn. I replayed what had happened in the past couple of hours and the more I thought about it, I knew it was definitely Zayn. I hadn't been close to anyone else.

A chuckle escaped his lips, causing my cheek to vibrate along with his chest. He kissed my cheek softly. "If you don't get up, I won't kiss you for the rest of the day." He warned.

I shot up immediately, looking around. "Alright, alright!" I shouted. "I'm up!" As I got a couple of stares from other passengers, I ran a hand through my waves, hoping to smooth them out. I noticed that everyone was already grabbing their stuff and heading out of the plane. Did I really sleep through the landing?

I attempted to stand up, but something caught my waist and I flew back into the seat. "Ow!" I whimpered, balling my hands into fists and slamming them into the back of the seat - which only resulted in me hurting my shoulders for throwing my arms backward.

"Are you okay?" Zayn laughed as he bent down to unclasp my seatbelt. "I know you're excited, love. But next time, make sure you take off your seatbelt BEFORE standing up."

I glared at him, my cheeks burning from embarrassment. "Shush." I said as I turned away from him and crossed my arms like a child.

"Come on, babe. Don't be like that." Zayn pleaded, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck softly.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'. I pried his hands off in fake irritation. Grabbing my Batman backpack, I slipped right passed him. I got off the plane by myself and tried to figure out where I was supposed to go.

I scanned my eyes over the crowd, almost instantly finding Alex's red hair. I smiled in satisfaction as I turned around. Zayn was walking slowly behind me, pouting. I frowned - Who could look at that face and not feel bad?

I secured my Batman backpack on my back and walked up to him, placing my arms around his neck. His arms slithered around my waist in response. I brought my face closer to his, our noses and foreheads touching. I grinned, he was so beautiful. And all mine, finally. "I love you." I whispered.

My breath hitched - Did I really just say that? That wasn't what I meant to say at all, but it felt so right. They just rolled off my tongue. I said those words and I meant them. With everything I had.

He tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer - if that was even possible. He crashed his lips onto mine as my hands made their way into his hair. It was a soft, slow kiss. The passionate kind that I treasured, because of Ryan and all. We pulled away a moment later. His smile turned into a huge grin, showing every single one of his pearly whites. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say those words to me." He sighed. "I love you, too, Corrine Parker."

I gave him a peck on the lips once more, before pulling away from him and heading towards the baggage claim. As we were walking, he slipped his hands into mine and intertwined our fingers. I looked up at him and smiled. He was perfect - absolutely perfect.


After settling into our hotel, Skylar, Taylor, Alex, and I decided to go out by ourselves for a little while. A girls only outing, I guess you could call it. We were going to get ice cream, which I was excited about.

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!" Alex sang, hooking arms with Skylar and I. I immediately hooked arms with Taylor, dragging her into our odd antics. We skipped the entire way down the street, which earned us a few glares and confused glances.

But we didn't care, or at least I didn't - We were in London and I was beyond pumped!

"Guys," I sighed dreamily. "I wanna live in London."

Alex scoffed, turning her head towards me. "You can in a few years. I'm sure Zayn wouldn't object." She said, winking.

I blushed and Alex laughed. "I told him that I loved him at the airport today." I admitted as we walked into the ice cream shop.

Skylar gasped, her eyes growing wide. "Did he say it back?!"

I nodded and smiled. I was happier than a kid in a candy store. Taylor tousled my hair. "Awe, our little Corrine is growing up!" She cooed.

I glared at her. "Oh, yeah, like you told Niall you loved him, Ms. I'm-too-shy-for-my-own-good."

"Shut up!" She hissed, swatting my arm. Her cheeks were glowing red. I laughed, knowing all too well that she got embarrassed easily.

Alex made the tisk-tisk noise. "Fight nice, children."


Later that night, all nine of us were sprawled out in Alex and Liam's living room, watching Ice Age, the Meltdown. We had grouped the hotel rooms like this - Alex and Liam, Harry and Sky, Niall, Louis, and Tay, and Zayn and I.

I felt terrible for Louis, having no girlfriend. He had to sleep in the pull out couch in Niall and Taylor's living room. No, scratch that, I felt worse than terrible. He broke up with Eleanor for me and I just shut him down.

Since we all felt bad for Louis, we weren't even cuddling during the movie. We didn't want him to feel even worse than he already was.

Zayn picked up on my inner battle somehow, and kissed my head. "You okay?" He asked sweetly. I didn't look up at him, but nodded my head absentmindedly. "Liar." He said as he tilted my chin up to look at him.

I bit my lip and decided whether or not I should talk to him about my Louis problems. It was a sensitive subject for him and I didn't want him to be angry with me. But what is a relationship without honesty and communication?

That's when it hit me - me and Zayn weren't even dating yet. He hadn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I don't know why, but it hit a nerve with me. It made me upset for some reason.

Frowning, I stood up. I grabbed my phone and sulked out of the room, and went across the hall to Zayn and I's room. I used the card and slid it in, quickly sliding it out after the light turned green.

The tears started to fall before the door even shut. Why was I so upset about this?


( A/N: For Courtney(: )

Liam's POV:

It was hard for me to not pull Alex right into me during the movie, but I knew we had to do it for Louis. I bent my head down and kissed her on the check. She smiled up at me, making my heart flutter in my chest. "I love you, baby." I whispered.

Her smile grew bigger. "I love you, too."

All of a sudden, Corrine jumped up and grabbed her phone off the coffee table. She looked extremely upset. After picking up her phone, she trudged off.

As soon as she left the room, Alex sat up and leaned over to get a better look at Zayn. "What did you do?" She growled.

"I-I don't think anything?" He more or less asked.

I sighed, this was going to be a long night.

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