Golf Cart Races - Chapter 26.

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I'm on my phone again, so sorry in advance for any mistakes!!



** Corrine :D **

I woke up the next morning in Zayn's arms - Hm, I could really get used to this. I looked up at his sleeping form and smiled. Reaching my hand up, I placed my hand on his cheek, and used the pad of my thumb to rub it softly.

Not wanting to wake Zayn up, I gently pulled his hands from around me. He stirred lightly, but he - thankfully - didn't wake up. I strolled into our shower that was connected to our bedroom. I lathered my hair with shampoo and conditioner after washing my body off and rinsed after each product.

15 minutes later, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped towels around my body and hair. I walked into our bedroom and pulled on my light blue dress. After getting dressed, I blow dried my hair and curled it. I then applied some make up - I went with a blue eyeshadow to match my outfit.

Once complete, I walked over to a - still - sleeping Zayn. I shook his shoulder lightly. "Babe, it's time to get up."

"Hmm?" He mumbled, rolling over onto his back and opening one eye.

I laughed. "Zayn, get your ass up. You guys have a meeting about you guys' movie today."

"Oh, yeah." He sighed, rubbing his face. "I forgot about that."

I bent over and kissed him lightly. "Get ready." I whispered before walking out of the room. I left our suite and made my way to Alex and Liam's.

I knocked on the door obnoxiously. "ALLEEEEXXXX!" I whined. "Open up, I'm hungry!" I heard Liam chuckle and the door opened up, revealing an amused Liam. I smiled. "Piggy back ride to the kitchen, please?" Liam sighed as he turned around and squatted so I could jump on his back. I hopped up and he caught me with ease. I laughed. "So this is what it's like to be 5'11!"

"Technically," Liam said. "You're taller than 5'11 because your head is higher than mine."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, shush, Mr. Technical." When we made it into the kitchen, he dropped me carefully off his back. I took a seat at the table. "So, Mommy Direction," I began, "What's for breakfast?"

She laughed and walked over, setting a plate of waffles in front of me. She was wearing this beautiful, red dress with her matching converse. Her hair was waved, and she had a little bit of eyeliner on and some nude eyeshadow. Her lips were red, she even had a red bow in her hair. I smiled, her hair went perfect with her outfit!

I looked at my plate. Mmm, waffles. I quickly cut the waffle into pieces and downed it in 5 minutes. As I cleaned up my plates, a beautiful girl walked in with Louis. "I take it you're Eleanor." I said, smiling. I extended my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

She took my hand, returning a smile. "It's nice to meet you to, uh - I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

"Corrine." I said. "You can call me Cory, though."

Niall ran into the room, pulling me into a hug. "Good morning, my beautiful sister!" He chimed.

I laughed as he released me. I kissed him on the cheek. "Morning!" I placed my dish into the dishwasher and skipped into the living room. "Has anyone seen Zayn?" I asked.

"I'm right here, babe." He laughed, coming up behind me and draping his arms around my neck. I turned my head and pecked him on the lips.

Harry came running into the room soon after. "Guys! We gotta go or else we're going to be late to our movie shoot!" Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hotel - Alex, Liam, Niall, Harry, Eleanor, and Louis following.

"Wait, guys, where's Tay and Sky?" I asked. "I haven't seen them all morning."

"They went to explore London." Alex explained. "They said they'd e back by supper time."

I shrugged. Oh well, their loss. Alex and I got to enjoy the full movie experience, hell yeah. Outside of the hotel waiting, was a beautiful orange Chevy Avalanche. "Oh, screw you guys!" I yelled, racing to the drivers seat. "I'm driving this monster!"

They all groaned, knowing my driving habits. I quickly buckled my seatbelt so they couldn't pull me out. I smirked in satisfactory as they all piled in. The monster wasn't exactly equipped for eight passengers, but we made it work. Alex sat in the back on top of Liam while Niall sat on Harry and Eleanor sat on Louis, resulting in Zayn sitting up front with me.

"Cory, please don't kill us." Alex pleaded.

I laughed, starting the car and putting it in drive. "No promises!" I shouted, slamming on the gas. I peeled out of the parking lot, making my way to the style.

I made it to the studio in record timing. I was proud - I only ran 3 red lights! I heard Louis sigh. "Cory, how you got your license is still a mystery."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "How you passed high school is still a mystery."

He shot me a glare and everyone laughed. While everyone was busy chatting amongst themselves, I took time to look around. That's when I noticed the shiny, white vehicles.

"Alex!" I screamed. "They have golf carts!"

She snapped her head in the direction of the golf carts. We looked at each other and smile wickedly. "Choose your vehicle." She said in a deep voice. "It's time to race."

"Uh, guys..." Niall said uneasily. "We aren't allowed to touch the golf carts."

Alex looked at him funny. "And your point?"

I laughed and ran off to choose one as Alex followed close behind. I hoped in and started the engine - Stupid people forgot to take out the keys. Niall, Harry, and Zayn hopped into my cart while Liam, Louis, and Eleanor hopped in Alex's.

I smirked at Alex. "Let's do this."

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