The Interviews- Chapter 27

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I'm grounded.


Enjoy -.-



I took off with Cory right next to me. We were zooming around and I was driving like a mad man. "Al! Slow down!" Liam said and I laughed, going faster.

"It's a race! I can't!" I said and smiled as I saw the studio. Cory and I were still tied and I slammed the pedal down. We shot forward and I stopped right outside the studio. "I WIN!" I yelled hopping out and some angry looking guys came over to us.

"Didn't someone tell you that you aren't allowed to touch the golf carts?" The man said and I smiled.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p' as Cory pulled up. We went inside and we were pulled away from the guys.

"You girls must be Alexandria and Corrine." A man said. He looked around 20 and I'm not gonna lie, he was hot. Still like Liam.

"Hi." Corrine said and he motioned for us to follow him. He led us over to the set and I smiled.

"So, you are the girl's of One Direction." He said and I looked at him puzzling.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he smiled.

"You have those boys wrapped around your fingers." He said and we smiled. "So, Alexandria, you are aware that you will have to mention what happened last summer?" He asked and I nodded. My stomach growled and we laughed. I didn't eat this morning and I sighed. "Food Table is right there if you are hungry."

I got up and went over there. I grabbed a carrot stack and started munching on it. "Slut! You don't deserve to be dating Liam." A girl hissed at me and dumped her pop all over me. I screeched and security came over.

"Al? You okay?" Cory asked and I started getting mad. She held me back and I felt my make up running down my face. A make up person came over and escorted me to a dressing room. The Hair stylist washed out my hair and went to work on that while a girl came back holding a beautiful white and gold, one shoulder dress and gold heels. I smiled and while my hair was in a towel, I got dressed. They took my hair out and the make-up artist cleard my face of all make up.

"The nude look works for you." She said and did my eyeshadow how I had it befor and added silver to it. She applied light pinkish-nude lipstick and I smiled. The hair person put my hair into a loose side braid as someone painted my nails with gold sparkles.

When I was done, I walked out to see the boys talking to the director and Zayn with his arm around Cory. I glanced at my red hair and sighed. I was now bored of the color and 10 months was up. It was time for the break. Back to dirty blonde tonight. I saw Cory look over at me and elbow Liam. She pointed at me and the guys all turned their heads.

"Wow." Liam said and placed a small kiss on my lips. I smiled at him and looked up at the director.


We eventually did our interviews and it was time for us to go. I yawned and rested my head on Liam's shoulder. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him. "Li baby, I need a hair appointment." I said and he smiled.

"I'll make you one for tomorrow before we leave to go to Cheshire." He said and I nodded.

"Only Cory gets to come with me." I said and he smiled.

"That's fine." He said setting me in the car. Cory went to go hop into the driver's seat but Zayn wrapped his arms around her.

"Lou is driving." He said and she pouted. I smiled as she sat next to me and she stuck her tongue out at me.

When we got to the boys' flats, Taylor and Skylar had ordered a bunch of food. I grabbed a slice of pizza and a bunch of hot wings and went to go change out of my outfit. They had let me keep everything because of the whole incident. I smiled and slipped on some random shorts, which were Liam's and a gray tank top and my sweatshirt. I walked back out and nommed on my food as we watched 27 Dresses.

Today was a good day.

One Big Disaster [OneDirection] SEQUAL TO ONE MAGAZINE. ONE YEAR. ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now