This can't be good... - Chapter 34.

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Hey guys, Peyton here. (:

There's a shocker at the end, just forewarning you!

You won't expect it. (; Hehehe.



* Corrine. *

"Hey sugar, come here." A husk, alcohol thick voice called out. I looked up, vision blurry, panicking and scrambling to get up. But I was still chained to the pipe, I couldn't move. The man was large and very very drunk. I started backing away, but he was edging me further into a corner without me realizing.

"You'll finally be getting what you deserve." He growled, pinning me to the wall. My vision was coming clear as I met the eyes of Ryan. My breath hitched and I struggled against his grip, twisting and writhing. I wanted to scream. Why couldn't I scream?

"Come on baby girl, you want this." He whispered, hot breath on my neck. That was when he took something out of his pocket, clinking and silver. I felt a sharp SCRATCH against my skin and that was it. I was paralysed, I couldn't move.

"N-no!" I tried to scream, but it was too late. His hot, heavy hands were all over my body and there was nothing I could do, I couldn't scream nor run away, nor fight him off. He pushed me to the ground, climbing on top of me, his weight heavy. He forced open my mouth, shoving his tongue in and groaning. I whimpered, tasting stale beer and cigarettes. His hands wandered over places I would never let anyone but Zayn go, and he tore off my jeans, working on my underwear.

"Enjoy the ride, sugar." He growled, re-attatching our lips. The dampness of the basement air filled my lungs, the coldness of the concrete scratching at my skin. I watched as undid his pants, then closed my eyes. As he was forcing himself down into me, I managed to conjur up some air, right from the bottom of my lungs to scream.

"HELP ME!" I screamed.

I hadn't noticed the van outside the basement widow. I heard voices of men, and footsteps violently pattering over the concrete ground. I couldn't open my eyes, the drug he must have given me taking over. He was pulled away, out of me. Somebody scooped me up into strong, warm arms. I opened my eyes; all I could see was splodges of skin and splodges of black which must have been hair.

"Get her inside," a familiar voice said.

Where was that voice from?

"We should call an ambulance." somebody else said, their voice thick and tired but again, vaguely familiar.

"Alex?" I croaked out. Where what's she? Was she okay? "ALEX!" I screamed, louder than I've ever screamed before. I tried to fight against the drug - I needed to see Alex. I needed to see who these people were that were carrying me.

But then - Everything went black.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned, lifting my arm up to turn off my alarm clock. Only, it wasn't my alarm clock. It was a soft, steady, consistent beeping noise. Kind of like a heart monitor.

Where am I?

I snapped my eyes open and groaned once again when the light made contact with my eyes, causing my head to throb. It was way too bright for my liking. Blinking a few times, I allowed my eyes to get adjusted to the light before opening them fully again.

"She's awake!" Someone gasped and rushed over to my side. It was a blonde haired boy, with bright blue eyes. He had braces and his clothes were slightly disheveled. I gasped and backed into the bed. "Cory, how are you feeling?" He asked as a smile spread across his face. He had an Irish accent.

Wait, I don't know anyone with an Irish accent.

"Who are you?!" I yelled, quickly pressing the red "call" button. This dude was really starting to freak me out.

His smile faded. "Yeah, funny Corrine. Pretending you don't know who I am."

"How do you know my name?!" I whispered as the nurse came running in, followed by the doctor.

"Glad to see you're awake, Corrine. How're you feeling?"

"My head hurts a little." I admitted. "But other than that, I want to know who these boys are!" I shouted, gesturing towards the blonde and black haired boy.

"Hmm." The doctor said. "I have a few questions for you, if that's alright?" I nodded my was slowly. This was weird. "What's your full name?" He asked.

I scoffed. "Corrine Cassandra Parker." Easy.

"How old is your friend, Alex?" He quizzed, flipping to a different sheet of paper on his clip board. I gasped, how did he know Alex? Was she hurt too?


"Uh-huh. And final question - what year is it?" He asked, walking over to check my IV fluids. I looked at him as if he was crazy.


With that, he left the room with a big frown on his face. I looked at the blond and the black haired boys, who now had tears streaming down their faces. The black haired boy shook his head in disbelief, sulking out of my hospital room with the blond on his heal.

What did I do wrong?


* Zayn *

"I'm afraid Corrine is suffering from amnesia due to the severe head trauma she sustained while in the basement of that house. She doesn't remember anything that's happened in the past three years. I'm not sure if the memory loss is permanent or not - But you have to go easy on her. It could be a week, a month, or even a year before she fully recovers her memory. Don't try and bombard her with a lot of information at one time. Only tell her the necessary things. Also, try and keep Alex around her at all times." The doctor said grimly. "I'm sorry, boys."

My whole world was crashing and burning right before my eyes. My baby didn't even know who I was - She didn't know who any of us were.

I dropped onto my knees and let a sob escape my lips. The tears started to flow like bullets.

The love of my life doesn't even know my name.

One Big Disaster [OneDirection] SEQUAL TO ONE MAGAZINE. ONE YEAR. ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now