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Meaning: She who is kind

Aliases: Ali

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Love Interest(s): Johnny

Status: Alive

Universe: OUAT

Appearances: Volatile, Vicious, Villainous, and Vast



Alison's story was not abnormal, for the most part.

She lived with her Mom and Dad, in a white picket fence house on the good side of town. They had taken in a boy when she was younger, probably for the money, but also (probably) because they felt like they had a need to prove they were good people. Her mother had been a foster kid, so her parents were probably dead, probably gone, like Alison wished hers were probably gone.

They took the boy (Johnny) away from the home, probably due to the unexplained bruising he sustained there.

Alison had parents, who probably (probably here, and often in Alison's world, means definitely) hit her, although if Johnny had asked they didn't. She thought he must've remembered them hitting him, but perhaps he was too young.

She didn't do well in school. Probably because they abused her, but also probably because she wasn't particularity smart, and probably because she was aimless. As far as she can remember, the wind pushed her around where ever she was needed.

At age six, she was found by Charlie's mother, who later killed herself. She asked Alison to protect the girl, at any cost. Elizabeth never thought about how fucked up it was until years later, when Charlie was complaining about her step-father. He didn't hit her, although he (probably) did other things. Bad things, just like her parents.

And so formed the club of the abused, between Charlie, Johnny, and Alison. Johnny was perfect, and too good for Alison. She knew this when she was twelve, but she knew it more at thirteen when she saw the look Johnny gave Charlie, and at fourteen when she saw Johnny seething with jealousy at her new boyfriend.

It was like that until senior year, and until they both got a little too tipsy at the party (probably intentionally, either to forget or to feel). Until she woke up, and thought that (probably) she was pregnant.

He disappeared three weeks later.

She found out she was pregnant a few weeks later. No one seemed to bat an eye after they disappeared. Alison thought, perhaps, Johnny had found out, and he left with Charlotte. For the first time in years, she remembered the last words of Charlotte's mother.

That was when she remembered the prophecy. She had pushed the ramblings of what she had assumed to be, years later, those of a deranged woman for too long.

Perhaps, they had gone to Neverland.

Though she immediately dismissed the crazy thought. None of it matter though. The two had left without a trace.

She went to Brae's birthday, in the winter. Though it wasn't enough to replace her sister.

Alison didn't know what to do, accept wait for any sign of her two best friends.

Eventually, one came.


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