Chapter 2 - First Day At School

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{Skylers POV}

My sister and I walk to the bus station to ride the bus for our first day of school here. We both go to West Virginia Middle School and I'm excited! Even though I always get A grades, I hate school!!! I sit on the bus and start looking at Teen Relatable Posts. They're so funny!! And relatable!! I saw one that says I don't fall over, I attack the floor and I start laughing Out loud on the bus! A group of girls looked at me and I blush because I'm embarassed, but I guess they have to deal with my randomness! The bus arrives at school and I start walking in! I'm so nervous and shy 😰😳

I sit down in my first class, Maths which I'm good at but it's SO BORING!!! Next to me is a boy named Juan and on the other side is a Girl named Lucy. I turn to Lucy and say "Hi Im Skyler Im new nice to meet you!" and she scowls at me so I turn the other way. Juan turns to me and says "Hey girl hey, ignore her hunty she's being a B-I-C-T-H!" He z-snaps. I giggle at him and say "Hi, I'm Skyler" and reach out to shake his hand but he comes in to hug me. "I'm Juan, I get bullied because I'm gay but I just dab on the haters" he says, dabbing. I smile. I've never had a gay best friend before, I'm so happy! My maths teacher, Miss Sunshine walks in and says hello. "Hello I'm Miss Sunshine and we have a new student today! Her name is Skyler!!" She says, pointing to me. Everyone looks at me and I internally cringe so much!! Its so embarassing!!!!!!!!! She starts doing maths so I do maths, She seems really nice. I see an empty seat in front of me and get confused because seats usually have people in them?????? After I think that, I hear the door swing open. Oh my god! It's my hot new neighbour Jacob. He slinks over the table and sits in his seat. Miss Sunshine gives him a deteneion for being late. I like bad boys!

After the bell finishes, I go to playtime and I sit with Juan in the playground. "So, Juan, what's the hot gossip??" I ask him? "Well, you know that hot bad boy, Jacob? He just broke up with Jessica Parker!" I gasp! I say "Jacob's my new neighbour, I just moved in yesterday. My room is facing his but I think he likes my sister." I wistfully stair off and see my sister with a huge group of friends already! What the h*ck!!!!!!!! "Oh honey, your sister is GLAM henny!" He says. "Yeah she always makes friends with people then starts ignoring me. We've been close every since my mom died but now I think shes gonna start ingoring me again." he gasps "That's the tea! Sweetie, she's wrong not to love you!" He makes a duck face and takes a selfie, then he dabs. I giggle, Juan is so funny.

I see Jacob coming over to me so I smile and wave, "Hey Jacob! How are you?!" I ask him the question, then he says "Why are you hanging out with Mister Gaylord!!! Hahahaha!" He says and then he pushes me to the ground. I start to cry! My mascara starts running! Oh no! "Ahhahahahah Cry Baby!!!!!' He yells at me. His friends, Mark and Mario come over to me and point at me. I cry hug Juan. The boys leave and Juan says "That's West Virginia Middle School for ya!" and I giggle and hug him tighter. "What lessons do you have next?" Juan says and I say "English, then Lunch, then I have Science then French then PE" and Juan says "OMGZ samesies!!!!!" He looks at my timetable and we have Every single lesson together! I'm so excited!

The bell rings that shows the end of English class and English was fun I like English class. I go to lunch with Juan and I get my lunch. It's pizza!!! Omg I love pizza almost as much as I love wifi!!!! I get my pepperoni pizza with fries and Coke and Juan and I go find a table to sit at, I go towards my sister and Juan's like "thats a bad idea" because she's sitting with her friends but my sitser isn't like that. I tap her on the soldier and say "Hey sis!" and she snarls at me. "Why are you talking to me?" I tremble and slink away with Juan and we sit at our own table. "Not to say I told you so" Juan says "But i told You so!!!!!!" I burst out laughing. Juan always chears me up!

We finish lunch and Juan and I walk to History. My history teacher is like totally ANCIENT! He walks into class andsays  "Today we are learning about World War 2!" he says and then I turn around and sea Jacob behind me "HAHAHAHA do you remember it? Your old!" he yells! The whole class burts into laughters. The teacher (His name is Mr. Fannigan) says "ok ok quiet down children!!!!!!" so we all shut up. He teaches us about world war Two. Hitler was the king of Germany at the time and he wasn't good so America (F*CK YEA!!!) was all in it and stuff. The dismissal bell rings and me and Juan walk to PE. We are sad because we can't change clothes together because we are different genders. I go into the girls changing room and open my new locker. Someone wrote SKANK WHORE on it with lipstick. I gasp! It looks like my sisters handwriting, and it's in her favourite lipstick shade, Pantyhose pink, How could she?? I quickly get my PE kit on and I walk into the Gymnasium and see a woman with short hair and a PE kit on? Is she a lesbia? I am confused but then I start playing dodgeball. I get hit by the ball on purpose because I'm lazy ahahha! Juan did the same thing, we're so similar! Jacob smirks at me during dodgeball and I get so confused! He was so mean to me only an hour ago? Is he in love with me? The dismissal bell rings and it felt like the lesson was only a short lesson because me and Juan were chatting the whole time.

I get on the bus to go home but Brooklyn doesn't sit next to me, but then I see Juan on the bus! He comes and sits next to me! "Surprise, sister! I'm your other neighbourh!!" I smile so widely !!  Oh my gosh! "YAYYYY!!!!!" I scream! People look at us and then Juan yells "WE'RE RANDOM, OKAY??? GOSH!!!!" I laugh so hard. Just before the doors close, Jacob slinks onto the bus and sees that all the seats are taken apart from the seat next to the seat next to me. He slinks over there and sits next to the nerdy kid, Ashton, and gives him a wedgie. He turns to me and says hi. "Hi" I say to him and then he says "How was your day?" He askss nicely. What the heck?? He's sending me so many mixed singles! "It was good apart from PLAYTIME, Jacob." he looks ashamed. "Sorry about that Skyler, I was just trying to impress my friends" he whispers. "Oh" I say and then he says "Do you want to come over to my house for a bit!" he asks me and I say "Oh I made plans to go to Juan's house" but then Juan butts in and says "Go get it sis!! it's okay!" so I say yes to going to his house.

The bus stops on my road and me, jacob and Juan get off of the bus. I hug Juan to say goodbye and he winks at me and says "yaaas queen" and I start laughing like a crazy person!!  He walks off to his house  and me and Jacob go up to his front porch and walk in. His mom comes in and brings me and him a drink and a oreo. Omg I love oreos so much!!!! We walk up to his room and sit on his bed.

Bullied by Jacob Sartorius 😳Where stories live. Discover now