Chapter 4

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"Look, we're already there. Just a few steps ,okay?" Octavia encouraged Jasper. We were trying to get him to step outside of the camp. 

It's day 11 of being on the ground. I've been keeping track on a tree by camp although I'd love paper to keep track on.  We've been down here for 11 days. It's been 11 days since I saw my brother. I was more lucky than Octavia when it came to circumstances ,which really sucked. I would definitely trade her so she'd have it better.

"One foot in front of the other." Octavia said breaking me from my thoughts. She looked back to Jasper. "Hey, what's wrong?" 

"Hmm. Oh, nothing. I'm good." Jasper said ,but neither of us believed him.

"Jasper, it's been a week ,okay?" She started walking forward. "You've been given a second chance. You've got to use it. Ahh!" She screamed as she got pulled behind a big tree stump by someone. 

"Octavia!" Jasper and I call in unison. I ran forward ,hearing Jasper hesitate but follow me. When we reached the tree stump, the delinquent that had grabbed her let her go and laughed. 

"Hey, jerk!" Octavia shoved him back. "Get the hell out of here!" She then turned to Jasper that was starting to walk away. "Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid."

Jasper tripped. Octavia and I both got down to help him. He was looking at something and we followed his line of sight to see two fingers. Wells fingers. 

Wells was found dead on day 7 of being here. That's four days ago now. Clarke wasn't doing good with it. She was feeling extremely guilty for how she treated him while she was down here. She had found out just before he died that he wasn't the one that turned her father in ,it was her mother. That makes her feel worse because she hated Wells for something her mother did ,and he let her. 

"We should take these to Bellamy. That knife too." I said. Octavia nodded. 


"This knife was made with metal from the dropship." I pointed at the knife. I had noticed it when we found the fingers. 

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked as Clarke looked at it thoughtfully. 

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked. 

"No one. Rach said we should bring it straight here." Octavia said. Bellamy nodded at me in thanks. I nodded back. 

"Rach?" Jasper questioned. 

"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us." Clarke told him. 

"So, there's a murderer in camp?" Jasper asked. 

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep this quiet. 

Clarke went to leave the tent. Bellamy stepped in her way.

"Get out of my way ,Bellamy." Clarke told him.

"Be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved- the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us." Bellamy told her.

"Oh, good for you ,you mean. What keep people scared and they'll work for you? Is that it?" Clarke snapped. 

"Yeah, that's it. But it's good for everyone. Fear of the grounders is building that wall. And besides what are you going to do? Just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know who's knife that is." 

"Oh, really. J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know." Clarke tried to push passed Bellamy. I grabbed her arm. She glared at me. 

"Think this through ,Clarke." I warned her. 

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