Chapter 9

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"Are you sure you want to go? You should probably take it easy today." Bellamy told me. 

"My parents are dead. I want to know why. I need to see the crash sight." I said. Bellamy nodded. 

"Stay close to me the whole time ,okay? Anything goes wrong and I'll take you back to camp myself." He told me. 

"I'll be okay ,Bell. You worry too much." I told him. He sighed. "Come on. They're waiting." I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me to the group that was going to investigate the crash site. 


We made it to the crash site. Raven had people looking for the black box or hard drives or something. Clarke came with us for the same reason I did. She had a parent on the ship. 

I looked around at the burnt bodies. Any one of them could be my mom or dad or Clarke's mom. 

"Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation from what happened on the bridge is coming ,just a matter of time." Bellamy told us. 

"Can you blame them?" Finn asked. 

"No. I blame you." Bellamy said. 

"Maybe if you didn't bring guns-"

"If we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed." Raven said. 

"Whatever Rachel said, had her thinking. Rachel could've gotten us out alive." Finn said. 

"You were putting that pressure on Rachel?" Bellamy asked. 

"Bell, it's okay. I wanted to help." I told him. Bellamy sighed. 

"Whatever. Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now." Bellamy said. I sighed. He looked down at me with sympathy. He let go of his gun with one hand to slip it into mine. "I love you." He said lowly. 

"I love you too." I said back. I leaned up and pecked his lips. He smiled. 

"Clarke, stop!" I heard Raven call. Raven and Finn jogged over to Clarke by a part of the crash site. Bellamy and I followed them over. 

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked. 

"Hydrazine." Raven said. "Highly unstable in it's nonsolid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." Raven said dipping a rock in the hydrazine. "Fire in the hole!" Raven called ,throwing the rock into a fire far enough away. It blew up making other delinquents that came with us exclaim in surprise. "We need to clear the area." 

"Okay. We move in formation. No straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark. " Bellamy ordered. "Rachel, stay by me." 

"I know. I know." I said. 

With that, we all started back for camp.


I was tired after the walk back to camp. When we made to the gate, I was planning on just going to sleep but when we came in, someone came up and told Bellamy that Murphy was back. They had found him outside camp and brought him in. 

"Where is he?" Bellamy asked angrily as he walked into the dropship. 

It wasn't hard to find him. He was sitting against the wall with people making sure to stay away from him. He was covered in blood and dirt. 

"Everyone but Connor and Derek out now." Bellamy ordered. 

"He claims he was with the grounders." Derek told Bellamy. 

"We caught him sneaking into camp." Connor said. 

"I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the grounders." Murphy said quietly. I felt sympathy for the boy. 

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