Chapter 7

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"Samuel, Rachel." My father ,Marcus Kane, greeted as we put on the headsets. 

Raven got them working in a storm so they could save Finn. There was a lot of drama going on but Sam had me stay out of it. Instead he just relaxed and joked around. I knew that was his way of showing he was sorry and to make sure I ,along with my baby, would be okay. 

We actually had a great time and he took my mind off the troubles going on. I got caught up on what happened while I was in the skybox. He got to feel my baby moving. He also gave me a box that he said he'd been meaning to give me since he came down. It was stuff that Abby sent with him ,for my pregnancy. 

That was 2 days ago. 

I've been staying with him since I'm letting Bellamy calm down until he'll actually listen to me. Sam has been trying to make it up to me in anyway he can for saying what he said. Like I told him, it's my own fault. 

"Dad." Sam greeted. 

"So you made it to the ground." Our dad glared at Sam. "If you hadn't left with Raven, you would have been floated. I wouldn't have been able to save you." He scolded my brother. 

"I just needed to get to Rae. You sent her down here alone with 99 other criminals. Well I thought so." Sam defended myself. 

"And Rachel, how are you doing? Is everything okay down there?" My dad asked. 

"Everything's fine ,dad. It's actually really pretty. I wish you could see it ,it's so beautiful." 

"I'll see it when I get down there. I'm coming down soon. I'll try to be on the first exodus ship. Can you keep your sister safe until then Samuel?" 

"Marcus, go easy on him. Hi, honey, how are you?" My mom took a seat beside my dad. 

"Hi, mama. I'm good. How is everything up there?" I asked her. 

"It's okay, I guess. The Ark's still broken and my kids are on earth so it's not great." She grinned at me. "How about you, Sam? How is earth?" 

"It's great, mom. It's beautiful. I think you're really going to like it." Sam relaxed more. 

"Well, we'll be sure to be on the first exodus ship. Abby and I are going to be the doctors coming down and the rest are going to be guards, so your dad will be down too." She told us. I grinned, excited to see my mom again. "I only got to stop really quick, I have to get back to work." 

"Okay, I love you, mama." I told her. 

"We'll see you in a few days, mom." Sam said. 

"Dad, we've got work to do. We'll see you when you come down." I told him. 

"Sure thing. I'll see you when I come down. Be careful ,okay? Look after each other." Dad said his goodbye. 

"Of course." I agreed.

"Hear that, Samuel. Look after your sister." Dad sent Sam a stern look. 

"Always." Sam confirmed stiffly. 

"Not good enough." Dad commented, making Sam clench his fist. 

"Okay, bye, dad. We better let the next kid have a chance." I took off my headset. Sam took off his headset and left the tent. 

"Sam!" I chased after him. "Sammy!" I caught up to him. "Are you okay?"

"I hate him. I hate him so much." Sam said. 

I understood why he did. Our dad deserved it with how ,no matter how many times I mess up, I get treated like the perfect angel that can do no wrong while he is the child that's a complete mess up. You'd think it would be the other way around since I was born second. 

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