Chapter 5

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I woke up to some whirring noise outside. I shook Bellamy awake. He looked at me confused until we heard people outside.

"Hey, check it out." One guy called. 

"Bellamy! Rachel! Get out here!" I heard Octavia call.

Bellamy climbed out of bed. He just had his pants on ,no shirt. I had stolen his shirt and that was the only thing I was in. I grabbed a makeshift blanket and wrapped it around me. That's how I walked outside and stood beside Bellamy.

"There!" Octavia pointed to the sky. I could see the a pod was coming down.

"They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass." Jones said. People cheered at his statement.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." A girl beside me said. I rolled my eyes at her. Like shampoo is going to really help us right now. If you're worried about hygiene ,wash with sand ,I read that's supposed to work. 


"If it cleared the ridge, then it's probably near the lake." One of Bellamy's guys told him as Octavia and I entered the tent. 

"We should get moving. Everyone's ready." Octavia told Bellamy. 

"No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark. It isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Pass the word." Bellamy said. His guys went out to do as Bellamy told them. 

Bellamy tried to leave but Octavia got in his way. "Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? We should go now." 

"I said we wait until sunrise." Bellamy said. Then he walked out. 

I followed Octavia out of the tent. Once outside she turned to me. 

"I'm going after that pod. You stay here ,okay?" 

"Octavia, you shouldn't go alone." 

"And you shouldn't go out there." 


"No 'buts'. You stay. I'll be okay." 

"If anything happens to you-"

"Nothing will." 

I sighed in defeat. I knew she wouldn't give this up. I also knew she was stronger than Bellamy gave her credit for. She could handle this. Maybe in a way, this could prove to Bellamy what I already knew. 

"Be careful." I told her. 

"I will." She said pulling me into a hug. "Bye, baby." She spoke to my stomach with a baby voice. I chuckled as she disappeared into the crowd that was still up. 

I went back to mine and Bellamy's tent. I laid back down ,using the blanket to cover me.

After a while, Clarke came in. Finn followed. They looked around the tent then back at me. 

"Clarke? Finn? What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Where's Bellamy?" Clarke asked. 

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since he told Octavia and I that no one was going after that pod until morning." I told her. 

"His gears gone." Finn pointed out. I looked over to see that he was right. I didn't notice. 

"He's going after the pod." Clarke turned to leave. 

"Clarke!" I called ,climbing out of bed. She looked back at me. 

"What?" She asked. 

"Wait for me. I'm coming." I told her. I slipped on some pants as the two stepped out ,having to leave the pants unbuttoned and unzipped so it's not pressed against my stomach. I swapped Bellamy's shirt out for my shirt. Even with the shirt being baggy, you can definitely see the baby bump. 

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