Chapter 10

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"Fire!" I heard someone yell. I ran out of my tent with Bellamy behind me. The smokehouse was on fire. Bellamy and I ran over to Octavia ,who'd been working in the smokehouse. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. I looked over to Murphy who'd been working in the smokehouse with her. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me in shock but nodded. 

Murphy looked at a guy standing a bit behind me. "This is all your fault. We told you it was too much wood." Murphy walked around me angrily and attacked the guy he'd been looking at. 

Bellamy split the fight up. "Save it for the grounders." He told them.

"Bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food." Octavia said loudly to be heard over everyone. 


"They don't waste time. I'll give them that. What's it been? Day and a half?" I heard Raven ask. I was going into the tent but I heard Raven talking. 

"Mistaken me for someone who cares. Time to move on." Bellamy told her. I didn't hear anything for a moment and was about to go in when I heard Bellamy talk again. "What are you doing?"  

"Moving on... I've never been with anyone but Finn. Take off your clothes." I glared at the tent. Is she serious? "Fine, I'll go first." 

"I don't think so Raven. You know I'm with Rachel so what the hell are you doing?" It was quiet. "Just get the hell out."

It was a couple moments before she came out. She stopped when she saw me standing there with my arms crossed over my chest ,glaring at her. 


"And you called me a whore?" I asked incredulously. "Get the hell out of here. If I see you  trying to get with my boyfriend again ,or act anyway that I deem inappropriate towards him, so help me God, I'll kill you." I threatened. She nodded and walked away ashamed. I glared at her retreating back. 

Then I turned and walked into the tent. Bellamy was sitting on the bed. He was looking down at the ground. 

"When did she call you a whore?" He asked me. 

"When word was going around camp that I was cheating on you. She called both Clarke and I whores because Clarke had slept with Finn before Raven came down." I told him. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. 

"I didn't think it was important." I shrugged. He sighed. 

"I'm sorry." He said. 

"What do you have to be sorry for?" I asked. 

"I didn't listen to you when you tried to explain everything. And I didn't even know that Raven had said that." He said. 

"It's okay ,Bell." I said walking over to him. 

He looked up at me as I stood in front of him. I sat on his lap ,straddling him. He kept looking at me. He had guilt in his eyes. I hated the look of guilt in his eyes ,for something that wasn't even that bad. 

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his for a gentle kiss. He kissed me back. I tilted my head and opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth ,making me moan. I ran my fingers through his hair ,gripping it tightly. He gripped my hips.

He leaned back so he was laying down ,with me on top of him. I rolled to the side ,him rolling with me, so that he was on top.


I woke up and rolled over to be met with an empty bed. Bellamy was gone. I looked over to see his gear gone too. I sighed. 

I got up and got dressed. I walked out to see nobody. 

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