Chapter 8

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Kasamatsu's POV

[ All I was trying to do is to teach this one kid that putting in effort is really important in order to keep and progress his position in the team. I may or may not have added that my nine year old sister could keep going for much longer than he has from what I saw, but then again, it's true. Little kids are monsters. Anyway, I didn't really think Karma would bite me in the ass due to it, but clearly it did, as I recognized Takao Kazunari's voice from the entrance. Fuck. I was not ready to tell him of my recent failure, nor the fact I used black magic which he'd kill me for, and I was generally in a bad mood today, which is not good, because Takao is known for his pissing off abilities. I managed to have an entire conversation about it with his so called 'sexy carrot megane'. Christ, give me patientce, because if you'd give me strength, I'll probably end up punching somebody today. I breathed in. It can't be that bad, right? In the end, even if he really tries to annoy me at the same time, we still have a fun conversation about magic and stuff.... I turned around to see him right next to me. Ah, the joy on his face. He has something good to tell me probably. ]
"Yo. What made you come by?"   

Kise's POV

[ I approached the two silently, melding with the rest of the practicing members of our team so I won't attract so much attention. Something in me was just dying to hear what were they talking about, and Takao seemed thrilled by whatever it was. A few more steps closer, I stopped to dribble next to a group of one stringers. They stared at me in awe as one of them dropped his ball and I could hear a few 'ooh' and 'aah's, but that wasn't what interested me. What did intrigue me was what was so important that Takao had to burst in our gym for.]
'What is it, Kazunari?'
'Listen here, today when I sat with shin chan in the cafeteria he pointed out he found a new experiment about magic. Remember what I warned you about? Not all of them, but some of the black magic rituals were proved to be scientifically legit! Though, as I told you before, stay the heck away from them! The scientists tried a few on volunteers who signed their agreement on taking full responsibility upon themselves. People goddamn died, Kasa! And not only from the death and vengeance ones. Black magic in general had been proved to hurt the target's physical body and soul massively, it could even cause mental illnesses! Damn, I always knew magic was hardcore. Don't u think, Kasa?... oi, Kasamatsu, you alright?'
[I threw my ball over to the guy who dropped his and stormed out of the gym as fast as I could. It was obvious to me now why was I having these random strokes, but why would Kasamatsu target me for death and vengeance magics? Or any magic at all! I loved him so much... why would he be so desperate to get rid of me? I clenched my hand to my chest, thinking about what should I be doing next. Maybe he wants to get me out of the picture since he has a love interest already... I can't have that. I love senpai more than anybody, I cherish absolutely everything about him. Actually I can't figure out why hadn't I been head over heels in love with him before! He looks great, his skin smooth and milky, eyes a mesmerizing shade of sky blue, his body built perfectly even for his adorable height. He was so caring, responsible, anyways out to help the ones who needed it, a born leader. We were the light and shadow of kaijo, basically completing each other. Thinking about it now, we were a perfect match.. I like it. But having that girl, whoever she is in the picture would ruin our happy ending. I would get rid of her for senpai before he gets rid of me. ]   

Kasamatsu's POV

[ If I could have seen my face, I would imagine it would only get paler and paler as the Shuutoku player kept talking. What? I almost cast a spell that severe on my crush? This is ridiculous, she could have died?! God, I'm a severe failure in life. What did I do wrong?! I just wanted a girlfriend, what the fuck... And then, from the corner of my eye I see Kise, looking as if he just got in the zone in a middle of game, pretty much storming out of the gym. What the fuck is going on today? Why can't I have one normal day on my senior year? all these crazy fifteen years old are getting to me....]
"Fuck, Takao, couldn't you have sent me a message about it yesterday? I actually attempted something like that yesterday! I mean, it failed, but still, it could have gone really bad..."
[ Ugh, this entire day was shit. From almost getting a girl I like into the hospital, Kise pranking me, and right now, Kise having a tantrum and leaving the gym. Ugh, I should probably go get him. We need him the most after all. ]
"Fuck, Takao, I need to go take care of my rainbow freak. We'll continue this chat later, he's been acting strange today. Your carrot and the rickshaw must be waiting for you anyway, right?"
[ I teased him and left his side, going after Kise. It really didn't take much to catch up with him. ]
"Hey, Kise! What's going on with you leaving practice?"   

Kise's POV

[ My head snapped up rapidly to watch as Kasamatsu approached me. I felt the familiar bits of pain appear in my chest, a seemingly automatic reaction to the betrayal I felt. I got up, glaring at him as he got closer and biting back any words that'd get him to dislike me. In the end, I hadn't wanted him to hate me even though he probably did. He had to, he wanted to get rid of me, right? The malice taste of blood was again in my mouth, and all it made me think about was how brutally and monstrously was I going to murder that girl that was more important to him than me.]
"I needed to catch some air."
[I said tightly, avoiding the concerned and slightly annoyed look in his eyes. How could he do this to me after I loved him so much? I still do, and absolutely do not plan to give him up. I'll get her out of the picture, I'll get him to love me.]
"There are things that need to be done, and I'll take care of them, senpai. After that obstacle is out of the picture you'll be in good hands. You can always trust me, you know that, right...?"
[my voice softened. I bit my lip and glanced at him worriedly and sadly, this all might be too sudden for him. I have to reassure him that I'll always be there I protect him, he has to know that.]
"I cherish you more than anyone else."
[I said sincerely, a pleading look in my eyes. One second after that, though, I started coughing. I frowned as I felt blood drip down the sides of my mouth and hurried to wipe it away with the back of my hand. Thankfully, it was not a coughing fit like the one I had at home or in the gym. I quickly looked at senpai and saw his taken aback expression. ]
"Don't worry about it, it happens all the time. Well, since yesterday."   

Kasamatsu's POV

[ Kise was acting strange. That, I knew, but everybody have bad days, and even basketball geniuses are not exception for that rule. However, something here just seemed too off for me to let it slide. What does he mean get something out of the picture? Cherish me? Since when...? And the blood dripping from his face again.... he left in the middle of practice, there's no way he could get fake blood, or ketchup, on anything.... Wait. Since yesterday? ]
"...Y-You said since... yesterday? Yesterday evening?"
[ I gulped, realizing that some terrible mistake has happened. I've fucked up. I've fucked up real bad. Oh no, He got blood all ocer his chin now... fuck. fuck fuck fuck. I did this, didn't I? How do you change this?! That's why he's like that. I rose my arm and wiped his face clean from blood, as much as I could at least without water. ]
"K-Kise... I think I've made an horrible mistake. This... This seems to all be my fault. I used a spell I shouldn't have, and from some reason it struck you instead the intended person... I'm so sorry. I can't believe this... Kise, we need to go to my house to check how to dispel it. I'll cut practice short today. I have to take care of you."
[ Honestly, if I was ever close to crying this year, it's right now. He's hurt because of me. My teammate and partner. I'd even say close friend. My eyes were watery as hell, shit. But who can blame me? he can die because of this! But how did this spell reach to him? It said it affect the person my feeling are the strongest for... ugh, stupid fucking spell, messing with me. Without even noticing I grabbed his hand. ]
"Let's go take our stuff and tell coach and the team."   

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