This story is about a girl called Alannah who is has heart problems and trust isssues and is moving from Dublin to Blessington,Wicklow with her brother Harvey and her mam
It has two months since I got with Conor and he only came back from being on tour with Sean.He has been really really distant and hasn't spoke or texted me since he left I'm afraid I'm losing the boy I love.I haven't stepped outside my room,I haven't ate or slept and my mam and Eoin are really worried about me I always hear Eoin ,Sean and Conor arguing throughout the house so I posted something on Instagram since I'm kinda famous well really famous my fans have my back Alannahsmith
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Liked by @Eoinsmith11,@seanprice_ , @blakegray and 445,356 others @Alannahsmith ya girls stronger than you think bye bye you lost your space @conorprice_
*Eoins pov* She's ok she moved on finally yay nearly 2 months of depression I swear if conor does anything else I'm going to kill him my sister hasn't ate I a whole week I can't go 2 minuets without food I swear he is getting some thump if ever hurts her again I'm not messing
*conors pov* She found out she cheated I think😶I'm such an idiot I cheated on a beautiful girl who was once my everything now she is just the girl next door why did I kiss Emma Alannah is beautiful,loyal,so kind to her fans and she's loving well at least she can get someone who is better than me and who will cheer her up
(A/N this is Emma)
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*Alannahs pov* I have seen is adorable boy on instagram he liked my last post so me being me I had to stalk his insta it's not a fault.OH MY GOD HE IS IN MAGCON THIS YEAR I AM TOO YASS Here is a photo of him ik shit he knows Eoin why is Eoin a magcon boy ughh😫
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