Are you for real

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Today was mine and Brandon's 1 year anniversary so remember joey well he wasn't allowed move in with us because his mom only had a baby so today well yesterday he moved in with us all so it was like a family reunion yesterday aka Friday so joey and I got along really well so he helped me I made breakfast it was 6:00am and I didn't realise that Brandon wasn't in bed beside me but I just shrugged it off (oh god)joey made breakfast when joey and I could he Brandon's voice coming from the back garden so we went out and I saw Brandon Rowland who was my boyfriend for 1 year eating some girls face
Me:Hey Brandon sorry to interrupt but ur dumbed
B:ok bye bitch
Me:bye man whore
I ran over and robbed his car and wash my car now and bleached the seats he took all of stuff and left more breakfast for us.You know in those movies where there boyfriend breaks up with them after like 2 hours or something and they sit on there bed eating tubs of ice cream crying while watching titanic or any other sad move well that wasn't me I know this sounds slutty but I lost my feelings her Brandon and I am in love with joey from the first time I saw him he is irresistible.I wonder if he feels the same about me
Joeys pov
I love Alannah it's official I officially am in love with every little detail of her but that's the 3 but who cheated on her ik I listen to what she says her voice is like an angels her flaws and perfections and her looks.....woah she the bomb I can't believe I fell in love with my best friend and I have since the first time I saw her

Hello I know this is basic but who cares not me joey is the fella on the right the picture in the media.It isn't the best photo but it wouldn't let me change so I just had to deal with it thanks for reading love ye❤️

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