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Joey and I decided to go to Starbucks and just talk I haven't uploaded a picture on Instagram in a while
Me:So what's up jojo?
J:I have somethin I want to get off my chest
Me:So do I
J:ok say it in 3
J+A:I like u
J:wow I didn't except that
A:either did I
J:wanna go back to the house
A:ok jojo
J:let's go
We both walked out hand in hand after we left Starbucks and when we got there I grabbed joeys hand and guided him to my room and he put his hands around me and slammed me against the wall but not hard enough to hurt and started kissing me and leaving hickeys
J:Alannah will u be my girlfriend
J:ha I love u
He started kissing me again and eventually after like 10 minuets we went down stairs I think I have faith in this relationship and we obviously told Blake he was fangirling but we are going to give in a week and then tell our fans I am so lucky to have him he actually cares and listens to what u have to say and if u say I'm ok he obviously knows I'm actually not and begs me until I tell him what's up
I couldn't ask for anyone better
I love u Joesph Matthew Birlem❤️
Joeys pov
I asked out Alannah today I tuck a while though but I eventually did it but I can tell u this she is one good kisser and I am not going to cheat on her like every other boyfriend she had but Blake it wasn't his fault and we understand that but I can't have her hurt again she's to delicate and precious u can't fuck around and have fun with her feelings fellas  it ain't right it's wrong I feel wrong Donald Trump
*Ding alannahcantwell has posted a photo*ik post notifications

Joey and I decided to go to Starbucks and just talk I haven't uploaded a picture on Instagram in a whileMe:So what's up jojo?J:I have somethin I want to get off my chestMe:So do I J:ok say it in 3Me:2J:1J+A:I like u J:wow I didn't except thatA:eit...

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Liked by blakegray,charlesgitnick,hrvy  and 1,433,0164 others
Alannahcantwell:I'm so so so terribly sorry I haven't be active on any social media just life has be hard and we just have to suck up move on and deal with it mainly I am so happy to have my boys by my side through every step of this situation ily💗I'll be posting more i promise💗
Blakegray:stay strong princess I'm always here we all are❤️
Alannah.fan:head high princess or they crown will fall the best it yet to come lie❤️
Alannahcantwell:Aww I love you all❤️

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