I didnt except that

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So all the boys decided to finally prank me I have to admit I was expecting worse so here's the sus so I was getting into the shower I was slightly scared because I knew something was going to happen so I squirted a bit of shampoo onto my hand and I thought it was ok but then after washing all the shampoo out it was mouthwash oh my god so basic but I knew something else was up so I was about to brush my teeth but I wash out my toothbrush every morning WHAT IM IN A ROOM WITH THEY COULD USE MY TOOTHBRUSH anyways so I got my toothpaste and started to brush my teeth when I so found out that there was food colouring in the toothpaste MY TEETH WERE BLUE but luckily I got it off and I washed my hair again ha they thought they could prank me NEVER!Im so weird so the boys we half of them were asleep hunter and Brandon were awake so kindly they walked to Starbucks with me to get my java chip thingy I can't spell it so it's whatever and they both got the same I mean ITS DELICIOUS🤤 so we went back to the hotel and Blake and I were messing around and we were planning the next prank on 4 lazy boys Blake has to go so I grabbed hunter and Brandon and we checked the room CAMERON AND JOEY WERE STILL ASLEEP AND TODAY WAS THE MOST BUSY DAY so I screamed
He shot up and I actually did for each of them so I gave them there food and dragged them down to the hotel lobby ye today was the start of a new long day whoop whoop note the sarcasm throughout that whole sentence ughhh thank god we have 4 more days left but the tour ends in 2 days then we celebrate for 2 days see I love tour ughh I just miss my brother 4 more days

*harvey's pov*
So I'm in Hawaii but I actually arranged for me to surprise Alannah and fly over to her in LA I miss her so so so much I miss her sarcasm her clumsiness and her stupidity and the ugly faces I receive as streaks I still got those pictures so Sean is getting a direct flight to Ireland but Bart the magcon manager asked if I would sing for the last day so of course I said yes and he wanted me to join the m&g section aswell.So I'm currently boarding the plane so since I'm a very lazy person I slept and the next time I open my eyes I'm in LA I seen a man holding a sign saying Harvey so I went over to him when I collected all of my luggage and he brought me to the hotel they put me in a room with Blake and Taylor I mean it's grand with me so I sneak up behind Alannah when she was alone and straight away so hesitation she hugged me
A:I missed you so much
H:I missed you more
H:Ye it is if I did it
A:Ok ok what ever you say
The day flew in and I went up to my room texted Sean and fell asleep

*Brandon's pov*
" know you think I'm mad and all saying you think she is ugly but I love guys I mean we're the same age and her eyes are so beautiful and she is flawless in everything shape and way but I doubt that she will ever like me Cameron,Hunter and hoey you and say all you want but she is beautiful"I said to the boys
C:mind blown
H+C+J I didn't expect that
I just rolled my eyes playfully and scrolled through Instagram to see this

*Brandon's pov*" know you think I'm mad and all saying you think she is ugly but I love guys I mean we're the same age and her eyes are so beautiful and she is flawless in everything shape and way but I doubt that she will ever like me Cameron,Hun...

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@Alannahcantwell:you forgive him and he go and cheat again when do people learn
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Shit she is hurt😢

*Alannahs pov*
I...I....I have a crush on Brandon shit

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