Shes gone😢

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I was in bed on my phone and it was 2:30am and I heard a loud big when I say loud I mean LOUD I jumped and so did Brandon and we ran outside to see my mam lying on the ground in a pool of blood I instantly started crying like who wouldn't and I rang an ambulance and Harvey came down with Blake and Cameron and they all started crying the ambulance came and Harvey got in beside my mam and I drove to the hospital with the boys and as soon as we arrived we went straight to reception
Me:Amanda cantwell
Nurse:Room 123
We went to room 123 and she was gone I faint after I was told I can't believe it we didn't even know she was hear her funeral is going to be on Saturday and it is going to be perfect so I bought a perfect dress 2 days after her death

I was in bed on my phone and it was 2:30am and I heard a loud big when I say loud I mean LOUD I jumped and so did Brandon and we ran outside to see my mam lying on the ground in a pool of blood I instantly started crying like who wouldn't and I ra...

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It's now Thursday and there's 3 days until the funeral I miss my mam so much already honestly I'm not ready we are all flying over to Ireland for my mams funeral and we are staying in my mams house which I guess is now our house so I'm not worried about where we are all staying we are actually just heading to the airport now I'm sure we all gonna play something one the field.

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