Prank wars baby

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I woke up at 7:00am so I got ready I hopped into the shower and got changed into

 I woke up at 7:00am so I got ready I hopped into the shower and got changed into

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And put my hair into

And when I got out Cameron was ready and so was hunter but joey was still sleep as usual so we left him in the room so I wrote him a note"Hi hoeyThe boys and I are gone down to Starbucks so once you seen this get ready and we'll meet u in the room...

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And when I got out Cameron was ready and so was hunter but joey was still sleep as usual so we left him in the room so I wrote him a note
"Hi hoey
The boys and I are gone down to Starbucks so once you seen this get ready and we'll meet u in the room at 10:30
Love, Alannah and Cameron❤️"
Go off we went to Starbucks surprisingly we saw hunter already I'm Starbucks with his brother Brandon so I ordered and java chip frappe and all boys ordered java chip to and we all went back to the hotel at 10:30 and we went to check joey was ready so I left the boys to do that and I saw Blake crying on a chair the hotel lobby so I went over to comfort him
Me:are you ok Blakey
Blake:I'm so so extremely sorry about what I did to you turns out that she drugged me at the m&g
Me:it's ok Blake but I swear to god if I find who that was she gonna be dead
Blake laughed and stood up and I stood up beside me and I hugged him I missed that and he kissed my cheek and I slightly blushed
Blake:So are we friends
Me:Hell yeah what about besties
I laughed and Blakes stupidity and I thought to my myself 1 down 1 to go I snapped out of my thoughts and I grabbed Blakes and I brought him to my room obviously the boys went to the gym so Blake and I set up and pranks a different one for each boy the first:Cameron so we put a whoppecushion underneath his pillow but that wasn't the only thing and we one by the side of his bed and we squirted a while can of shaving cream into it so when he squeezes it the shaving cream will go all over him 2 hunter so since hunter loves taking pictures of me when I'm asleep ik creepy he left his phone on his bed but it was dead as usual saw i tuck the case of he has on his phone and I put see through tape onto he camera so it would turn all burly and I put another layer for goodluck and put the case back on the phone and left it in the exact same position and 3hoey so hoey loves his Gucci sliders I mean I have a pair and I love them so I went to Walmart and picked up plain black sliders and green and red tapes so I taped green on the top red on the bottom and I put the real ones under his bed not all the way and I put the fake were his left them obviously that's not all I did to them I cut.  them up with scissors and i also like ripped one in half last but not least Brandon my bestie I fell get along with hunter and Brandon the best I mean I do love Cameron he is like my older brother and hoey is my twin sister and Brandon is my bestie and hunter is that friend that you fell like you know for years well it has been 3 weeks ok back to the prank Brandon he loves his gray jumper he has ok so also while I was in Walmart Blake spotted the jumper so I let Blake torture the jumper by flinging it in muck as well as anything else he could see he also chopped it to strings and also he did lost more things so we set up a camera and started recording I could hear the boys so we hide I a closet I was tiny I had to hug Blake because it was so tiny and also crouch down it was so funny
Cameron:Where's Alannah
They opened the door and Cameron jumped straight onto the bed and put his head down and the whoppe cushion they the farted noise
All the boys:ewww Cameron you stink
All the boys:AHAHAHAHAH
Hunter:my phone camera is broken now I'm not able to take pictures of Alannah when she's sleeping with yall
All the boys:awwww poor hunter
So I made it look like I came in the poor with Blake and we sat down on my bed and all the boys were glaring at me
Me:Stop staring take a picture it will last longer
All the boys:ok
All I heard was clicks on cameras and flashes
Joey:I dont think so I never got your highlighter
Me:UGHHH Just screenshot s picture from my insta account
All the boys:okk
Cameron:oh look a whoppe cushion and he points it to his face with his mouth open and presses it down and shaving cream flew all over him and mainly in his mouth we were all crying because of how much we were laughing
Me+Blake:we did it
They all got up and Blake and I sprinted out the door while they were chasing after us and we ran straight into Blakes room
Blake:Best day ever he says d while hugging me and kissing my cheeks
Me:Best day and it all on my camera
the boys weren't at the door so we ran into the room about 30 minuets later and we checked the camera they set up a prank for me so I will be ready I got bored so I posted something insta

  them up with scissors and i also like ripped one in half last but not least Brandon my bestie I fell get along with hunter and Brandon the best I mean I do love Cameron he is like my older brother and hoey is my twin sister and Brandon is my bes...

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Alannahcantwell:try me boys @camerondallas,@hunterrowland,@brandonrowland,@joeybirlem I'm going back blonde soon❤️
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