This story is about a girl called Alannah who is has heart problems and trust isssues and is moving from Dublin to Blessington,Wicklow with her brother Harvey and her mam
Today is the day I get dressed into my black dress
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And I do my makeup
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And curled my hair
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And we arrive at the Chicago where my mam is being buried and after the priest does all that jazz it's time for my speech which was first "I would have loved to get the chance to say thank you for all of the things you did for Harvey and I.You moved to Ireland when it was only you dad and Harvey and when I was four we all went to Manchester to visit our family over there and when I was 10 and Harvey was 12 you brought us to a water park and you went onto this really big slide and you screamed so much,Harvey and I just laughed until tears came out.I had the best time with you,dad and Harv I wish I could have said goodbye but I couldn't I wish I could have saved you but I was sleeping.See you soon I love ya with all of my heart"I looked up to see everybody crying including myself it was just so unexpected but as they say things happen for a reason I just wonder what this reason is... {Harvey's pov} Alannahs speech was so touching it brought back so many memories especially one from the water park and when we would all go out to the field and just have fun as a family all four of us it was amazing until our dad had to go to England for a job he had no choice it was go or lose your job he promised he would came back but I just wonder when he is.After Alannah sat down it was my turn to say my speech "it's been 4 days and a lot has changed I miss you terribly I would love to go back in time to when you,dad,Alannah and I all went out to play on the field outside the house and when we lived in Dublin it was our tradition to go out to funderland and we went on every ride,you would go on anything once we held your hand then dad would always get us candy floss and every time we ran off on dad and go to a fun house I remember once we got on one you went fist then Alannah then I went last Alannah and I couldn't stop laughing when you tried to walk across this spinning wheel eventually Alannah and I ended up crying we were laughing so hard.It must have taken you about 14 try's or something to actually get across but you never gave up that's the one thing I always loved about you mum no matter what happened you got up and tried again and do it better.See you soon mum lots of lover your wittle Harvey warvey." St this point I couldn't stop crys tears same with Alannah I got to keep my head high for my mum she wouldn't want me crying.Its crazy you can lose everything in a flash