Can i even trust people

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I have been on to for two weeks now it's really fun ever night in the hotel room is so so fun Cameron and I pranked the boys while they we sleeping last night it was so funny so we hid there phones mainly Hunters since he is addicted to to and we got a fake phone the exact same as his and we threw it onto the ground and it was so loud he woke up almost instantly and he seen the phone in two pieces you should have seen his face I fell to the ground laughing and Cameron and I woke up it was 1:30 so Cameron was going to Taylor's room but he wasn't there but we walked in because we heard moaning and I seen Blake on top of some girl my heart broke
Me:Were over
Me:Bye go have fun with ur side hoe I yelled while crying
I can't believe he cheated I told hunter and he just hugged me then everyone else joined in
Joey:yall call me hoey but I haven't cheated on anyone
We all laughed
Me:thanks hoey I swear I have trust issues
I just slept and surprisingly Conor texted me
Conor:Hi Alannah I'm so sorry about what I did to you and I know your with Blake nall but I really miss you and I was threatened by Emma she said if I didn't get with her she would kill you and idc if u think I'm lying but I'm sorry like really really sorry and the only reason Harvey has me over in your house is because he was there when it happened and he told me not to get with her but I couldn't have the girl I love dead I love you endlessly
Me:Conor I belive and Blake cheated on my with some hoe and I honestly thought Emma was I psycho path and I still love you too maybe we could go back to being friends??
Conor:ok that will be good,night Alannah it's really late in Ireland
Me:sweet dreams❤️


@Alannahcantwell:trust issues

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@Alannahcantwell:trust issues

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