This story is about a girl called Alannah who is has heart problems and trust isssues and is moving from Dublin to Blessington,Wicklow with her brother Harvey and her mam
11 months later My life is extremely different/boring now I'm still with Brandon nearly a year wow time flys and my I add it has been the best 11 months,Conor went homes ages ago nobody really liked him HA he changed he is now really full of himself nall Id say it's the hoe he is with.So I booked him a flight home HE TRIED TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP TOO MANY TIMES he said I was "cheating" in Brandon which Brandon knew was fake because I'm with him all of the time.To be honest I miss the old not so serious conor but if he changed and asked me out it would be a definite no but Blake replaced Conor as my best friend ages ago so I'm ok with that.Its Brandon's birthday next week and since I'm now a millionaire I'm a model so I get paid a lot of money.Brandon said he wanted a car it was between a matte black Range Rover/a black Lamborghini /a black Ferrari/a black bmw he choose the Lamborghini so I bought it for him since I'm a nice girlfriend who loves her boyfriend he deserves it here is a picture
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I thought it looked like the batmobile he better like it I sure did splash the cash I know he will he keeps going on and on about it
Brandon POV Since I'm a nice boyfriend and i love Alannah dearly I bought her a Gucci sweater/slides/a promise ring to say thank you for everything she has done for me she is honestly the best girlfriend/best friend anyone could ever ask for I love every little detail she changed over the past 11 months but she is well better looking her hair is back blonde here is a picture of here
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Isn't she gorgeous I could look at her all day long.When I'm 20 I'm going to marry her but I'm currently 18 so roll on 2 years I'm 19 next week omg I'm so stupid😂