I Can Save You.

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I sat at my usual desk right up the back of this classroom, that's not a surprise though in most of my classes I sit up the back I guess you could say I'm really not one for interacting with people. It was about 20 minutes into this class when I realised I hadnt been paying any attention at all, I was too busy focused on the boy sitting next to me. He walked into this class about half an hour ago looking all shy and stated that his name was Victor and that he had moved to Michigan with his family a couple of days ago. I don't usually take any notice of people when they are up at the front of the class, but I definitely wanted to pay attention to him; he was tall but not too tall, had brown hair and brown eyes and he looked maybe Hispanic to cut a long story short he was the definition of perfect. I kept stealing quick glances of him and sometimes I would notice he was looking back at me, every time our eyes met I got a really weird feeling in my stomach.

It was about three quarters of the way through the lesson now and I noticed that Vic was staring at me and all I could think about was he is going to think I'm some sort of weird kid that can't do simple maths and just spaces out during important lessons.

"I don't think you're weird" is what broke me out of my little daze, I panicked a bit knowing someone must have heard me, I turned slowly to look around at the people within earshot of me and one by one as I looked at them they were all busy getting on with the work, that was until my eyes locked with Vic's and he was giving me this confused look, my panic didn't go away and I just looked at him in complete shock because he just heard what I was thinking merely a second ago.

"What"? I asked in a hushed tone so no-one but him could hear.

"I said, that I don't think you're weird. You mumbled something about 'him thinking you're weird' and I just assumed you were talking about me 'cause you haven't stopped looking at me since I sat down, but if you weren't talking about me then I'm sorry and I hope you don't think I'm weird now, 'cause I'm not, I promise" Vic said in a rush, I just looked back at him smiled a little and went back to my daze. He looked unbelievably cute when he was nervous just a moment ago I sighed and as the bell rang I got up grabbed my stuff and left the room.


I looked at the stranger leave the class in a hurry, what confused me was that only minutes ago he spoke out loud that he didn't want me to think he was weird. I guess it was my fault that he left in such a hurry though I probably freaked him out when I answered him, I couldn't think of anything better to say, so what I said probably creeped him out. Great, way to go Vic. Its your first day here and you are already making people not want to speak to you. I silently cursed myself for being so downright awkward. I collected my things off my desk shoved them in my bag and headed to the cafeteria for lunch I met up with my younger brother Mikey and decided to sit with him and two other people I had never met in my life I think they said their names were Tony and Jaime. They were all talking and laughing during lunch and half the time Mikey was trying to include me into conversations but I just kept zoning out thinking about Kellin. I was just about to ask Jaime and Tony about him when I felt an ice cold liquid running down my head, face and back. I let out a gasp and as the whole cafeteria burst into a fit of laughter I ran into the toilets and into a cubical locking the door behind me. I don't usually cry over stupid things like this, I mean I was completely used to getting bullied but at least back home I knew what I was getting bullied for, its my first fucking day here and the whole schools laughing at me for absolutely no reason. No fuck this I thought to myself, I don't need to take this and with that thought I was jogging out the school doors and heading home. I slowed my pace to a walk when I reached the school gates, I was just about to walk through them when I was stopped suddenly as someone pushed me to the ground, I looked up from where I had landed and had no idea who this boy was standing in front of me with an evil looking smirk on his face. The last thing I remember him saying was "Here we go boys, fresh meat" and then I was getting punched and kicked 'til my body finally gave out and I passed out in pain.

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