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It must have been about seven o'clock, my parents where home and my mum was in cooking a big family dinner she asked me to go fetch Vic from his room as dinner would be ready in about five minutes, I reluctantly climbed the stairs and walked to his room, I didn't even bother knocking didn't think I'd need to after what I saw earlier on, I walked in and saw Vic sitting on his bed with a scared look on his face he was staring down at his phone screen. He didn't even acknowledged I was there until I sat down next to him, I was still pretty pissed at him but I know when something is wrong with him, and right now he looked like he could use the comfort.


I wasn't sure what time it was, I must have been lying in my bed for hours I hadn't managed to get any sleep though, I was just lying there with music and my thoughts to keep me company. I decided I probably should go down and see my parents and probably eat something, no doubt my mum would be fussing about us and asking all sorts of questions about how our first day of school went. Great, how am I going to explain my battered up face? I groaned, rolled over and got up with much difficulty. I searched about the dark room for my phone, why I didn't just go and turn on a light I have no idea, but I eventually found my phone, I looked at and noticed I had a few texts, no-one here has my number and no-one back home would of texted me anyway, I checked the texts anyway a couple of them where from my network provider, typical. I got to the last one and I wasn't even going to bother opening it until I glanced at the number at the top it was a number I'd never seen before in my life but I decided to open it anyway as I read through it tears filled up in my eyes and my heart sank, I sat there in shock just re-reading the last line of the text over and over again. I wasn't even aware that someone else was in my room until I felt the weight of my bed shift, I quickly shut my phone off and looked up to see Mikey looking at me, worry clouding his eyes. It was at the point I realised I didn't lock my door like I'd thought I did..

"Vic.. Are you okay?" Mikey asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, Mikey of course" I lied, I ruffled his hair up to make my lie a bit more believable. He looked at me for a minute, shrugged and smiled he then bounced off the bed turned and told me mum wants us downstairs for dinner. He left my room halfway through his sentence, thats the usual for Mike though when foods involved, I got up off my bed changed the bandage around my arm, pulled on a long sleeve shirt and headed down stairs to eat.


Vic lied to me, he straight up lied to my face. I know it was probably none of my business and that's why he didn't tell me anything, but the fact I know there was something obviously wrong with him and he tried to shrug it off and tell me he's fine. Vic and I have always been close, ever since we were little its always been me and him against the world, but now he's lying to me and I can't shake the feeling that he doesn't trust me with whatever's going on and that hurt.

If he can lie to me then what else can he do? I had to leave his room before I lost it with him, so I shrugged and told him dinners nearly ready. I was already sitting at the table when Vic came into the kitchen the first thing I noticed was he'd changed his shirt to a long sleeve one, I knew exactly why and that just pissed me off more. I know he didn't want our parents seeing but the fact he done it in the first place was enough to make me even more angry at him.

He sat down next to me, gave me a small smile and then my parents started talking to us, the first thing they commented on was Vic's face I was wondering what he was going to say because when I asked him earlier he completely ignored the question, his answer actually surprised me and my anger shifted to something else.


"Victor, what happened to your face?" My mum pretty much screeched.

"A couple of guys from school done it, I don't know who or why though" I answered honestly, there was absolutely no point in lying to my parents especially my mum she always found out the truth anyway.

"I'm going to phone that school in the morning!" She sounded kind of pissed.

"No, its fine. I can handle it, I'm okay." I said, hoping that she would just drop the subject.

She mumbled and started speaking to Mikey who I noticed was now looking at me with a weird expression on his face. I quickly ate my donner thanked my mum for the lovely meal and headed out the door, there was only one place I wanted to be right now after the shitty day I've had. I'm going to go see Kellin, hopefully his dad won't be in. I got outside Kellins front garden and noticed his dads car wasn't in the drive way. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Vic?.." Kellin looked surprised to see me when he answered, but he quickly changed his surprise expression to a happy one though and let me in.

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