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I stayed at Vic's house all weekend, we didn't actually do much. Just stayed in his room and watched films. It was nice to just relax and have a loving family around you. I kind of envied Vic for that, but I knew it wasn't his fault.

It was nearing time for me to go home, and I started feeling really sick. I hadn't seen my dad in a few days and that made me really nervous. God knows what he'll do to me when I get home. I got my stuff ready, I was still really sore after what Matty had done to me, but it was getting a little better day by day. I thanked Mr and Mrs Fuentes and said my goodbyes to everyone. I kissed Vic goodbye and headed towards my own house. I silently cursered myself for kissing Vic again, nothing can even happen between us so I need to keep my distance for a little while. I put my key in the lock and heard the familiar click of it opening. I stepped inside only to be greeted by my dad and.. my mum.


Kellin left late on Sunday and not without a kiss to say goodbye. God what is that boy doing to me. I was pretty tired, looking after Kellin really takes it out of you. So I showered quickly and fell asleep straight away.


It's now Wednesday and I haven't seen Kellin in school at all, I was a little worried but I'm sure he would of texted or phoned if something was wrong. So I sat with the guys at lunch like always and we were in our own little world that was until we saw the familiar face of Matty Mullins. He was bruised and his face looked a total mess, I also noticed his right arm was in a cast.. I looked over to Jaime, Tony and Mikey and they were all looking back with amused looks on their faces. Matty didn't even look in our direction as he sat right up the back of the cafeteria by himself. I laughed a little, funny how the tables turn isn't it?

School went by pretty fast and soon enough it was Friday night, our parents were out of town and a business trip thing. So Mikey and myself decided to throw a party, I didn't know many people but after what happened to Matty it seemed like the guys now have the run of the school, so they were pretty popular. I texted and phoned Kellin loads of times, telling him he was invited but I kept getting no answer. There were a few people in the house the now so Mikey wouldn't of noticed if I left for a while, I walked straight to Kellins and banged on the door.

"What do you want Vic?" Well that was rude.

"Just making sure you're okay" I replied

"Yeah I'm good. You can go now." Kellin said, a little coldly

"What? What's going on? Last week we were fine and now you don't even want to speak to me for five minutes?"

"Look Vic, just go. I don't want to see you anymore."

I wasn't sticking around to hear anymore of this, I got back to my house and headed straight for my room banged and locked the door and found my trusted box, my only friends. It hit me now that my blades are the only thing that won't leave me. I rolled up my sleeve and started trailing the blade across my skin.


I could actually see Vic's heart break as I told him I didn't want to see him anymore, it wasn't that I didn't want too. I did, I wanted to spend everyday with him I could, but I can't and right now everything is too confusing to even think about letting myself get caught up with Vic. I had to be cruel to be kind, that was what I was telling myself. I hated hurting Vic though, . but my thoughts were pushed aside when I heard my mothers voice asking who was at the door, I shrugged told her it was a salesman and headed into my room. I was happy and annoyed that my mum was back, she left me here for years with my horrible dad and now she thinks she can walk back into both our lives as if nothing happened? Her and my dad were all loved up again too, which I found strange. But it meant he wasn't hitting me anymore so that was a plus. I was lying in my bed riddled with guilt after what I said to Vic. I couldn't just not speak to him anymore, as much as I didn't want to admit it I needed him. A lot. So I went over to Vic's, I got dressed up a little bit cause he said he was having a party tonight. I just walked in without knocking, and it was Mikey I seen first. I said hey and asked if he knew were Vic was, he told me if he wasn't kicking about down here then he would be in his room. I went straight up the stairs and knocked on Vic's door, I kept knocking and not getting any answer. I put my ear up against his door and I could hear a muffled crying sound coming from inside and that's when I started panicking. I ran downstairs and got Mikey, Jaime and Tony. Mikey kicked everyone out and we rushed back up the stairs the guys managed to break the door to get in. I stood back cause I would be no help at all I'm not exactly strong. When we got into Vic's room he was just lying on the floor with his phone beside him, he actually looked like he was sleeping that was until I saw the empty pill bottle lying just a few feet away from him. I told Mikey and then everything just went to fast to even register it, Mikey was shouting at everyone, Jaime was on the phone I think probably to the ambulance service. Mike and Tony were trying to get Vic to his feet and pulled him into the shower and turned the cold water on, they were trying to keep him awake and conscious. I knew I'd hurt Vic really badly, but I never imagined he would try and kill himself over me. I couldn't do much but cry, if Vic dies its going to be all my fault and I would never forgive myself!

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