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It's been just over two weeks since anyone has said anything to me or Kellin, it feels kind of good to be ignored by the world, in one way it means less people picking on me and I'm happy with that, its also been two weeks since I told Kellin everything about my past and surprisingly he hasn't stopped speaking to me, speaking of Kellin its lunch time and he's not here yet, we've been sitting with Mikey, Jaime and Tony, I think its nice of them to invite us into their group and Kellin seems more than happy to have a few more friends. I just wonder where he is..


I was on my way to get Vic and the guys at lunch when who else but Matty stopped me in the hallway and practically dragged me out the doors and round the back of the school to where all his friends where, this is not good I kept thinking to myself.

" I told you I'd get you sooner or later" Matty said, casually.

He flung me to the ground and started kicking my stomach and my face, its a natural thing to move your arms up to your face when someone is repeatedly hitting you there, so that's what I did. I have more sense than to let a single noise escape my lips though, I get this enough from my dad to know that if I made any noise he would know he had won. It wasn't long before his mates joined in, pathetic really, he always needed back-up even though I can't actually defend myself. They laid into me for about 20 minutes straight but I managed not to make any noise at all, they gave up when blood was pouring out of my mouth and nose and I had bruises and cuts everywhere. They left me lying there and for the next five minutes I was lying on the cold hard ground until I thought of Vic, I knew they would go after him next and I couldn't have that. I don't know what it was about Vic, but I feared more for his safety than I did my own. I got up slowly, shakily standing on my feet; the pain coursing through my whole body was practically unbearable but as soon as the thoughts of them hurting Vic came flooding back into my mind I knew I had to go warn him. I walked, well more like stumbled to the lunch hall and seen Vic and the others sitting at our usual table. Matty and his crew were nowhere in sight, I walked as best as I could over to them and as soon as i reached them my whole body gave out and I feel right at Vic's feet..


I thought I saw Kellin walking towards us eventually, but really all I could see was a blood covered boy practically stumbling his way over here, it wasn't until he got closer that I realised it actually was Kellin and then anger took over my whole body, I waited for him to come closer, he looked like he had something to tell us but before he could speak he collapsed at my feet, I knelt down beside him, pushed his hair out of his face and tried talking to him

"kells, who did this?" I asked as calmly as I could, but even I wasn't buying it my voice cracked and a tear started to roll down my cheak. Damn me for being so weak around this boy!

"M-m-matty. He's coming for you too V-vic" was all Kellin managed to say.

I looked up and saw Mikey, Tony and Jaime mumble to each other about something and then they got up and left the cafeteria. I don't know what's going on, and the protective big brother side of me wanted to find out, but Kellin needed me now more than ever, so I picked him up and put my arm around his waste to support him - yeah I'm pretty strong, but Kellins as light as a feather anyway- and I took him straight to the nurse..


We saw Kellin covered in blood fall right next to Vic and I automatically looked at Mikey who was stairing at Vic, I even noticed a single tear escaping Vic's eye. Nah, I'm not having this. Vic and Kellin are both great guys and they really don't desrve this, plus Matty's a total dick and he's ruined too many peoples lives at this school! I looked at Tony who was looking at me and we both just nodded to each other, yeah we're going to destroy Matty. Both of us got Mikey's attention and quietly talked over the plan, we a nodded to each other gave Vic and Kellin one last look and with that the three of us were out of that cafeteria and on a mission to find Matty.


I seen the tear that Vic was trying so hard not to let escape. He can't fool me, he's in love with Kellin. He's only ever cried over one other person.. Lex, I knew he loved her, just not in the way she wanted him too but he cried for weeks over her death. I don't doubt for a minute that he doesn't think about her everyday. I looked at Kellin lying on the cafeteria floor covered in blood and barley able to talk and that pissed me off, yeah he's gay, and yeah he's a little different but what right does Matty and his idiotic friends have beating him up, and now they're coming for Vic? I do not think so. I would do anything to protect Vic and for a couple of weeks I've been protecting him from hurting himself but I'm not just going to sit back and watch him get hurt like this, Jaime and Tony got my attention, and with a few words we were out of the cafeteria and on the hunt for Matty..

We knew he would be surrounded by his friends, so splitting up to look for him even though right now I felt I could take on one hundred men, anger coursed through me, I was out to do some serious damage. We eventually found Matty and to all our surprise he was by himself. Perfect..


Kellin was getting cleaned up in the nurses office and she told me to take him home, so we walked slowly to my house. I wasn't taking him to his dad, no way. I got Kellin a drink and some painkillers and he eventually fell asleep in my arms, in any other situation this would of been perfect, but he's all battered and bruised and this isn't the time to think of how perfect he looks while he's sleeping. I was just sitting playing with his hair, he likes it when he's sleeping when Mikey and the guys walked through the door. I looked up at them, and Mikey gave me a small smile and they all headed to his room. I knew something was up straight away cause they were all acting differently, but I shrugged it off and went back to focusing on Kells.


Kellin woke up a few hours later, my parents where home and they were pretty much causing a scene because of how badly beaten he was, I think that's what woke him actually.

"Hey, Vic." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." I replied. earning massive smiles off of my parents, brother and friends.

Kellin blushed and moved his face closer into my body, it was Mikey that spoke up next, even though I was more than sure my mum would of wanted to know what happened today..

"Alright, Kells? How you feeling?"

"Sore" Kellin groaned.

"You'll be right as rain in a couple of days, and don't worry about Matty. He won't be touching any of you ever again." Mikey said, winking at me and receiving concerned looks from my parents.

I helped Kellin sit up and handed him the glass of water that was sitting on the table.

" oh, uh, what time is it? I need to, eh, get home. You know what my dads like Vic.." He said and gave me a worried glance.

"Its just past six and don't worry. My parents already called him and said we're working on a project and asked if you could stay here tonight. So you're fine, don't worry." He looked so relieved when he looked me in the eyes and smiled, my stomach done a weird flip and I felt sick, oh fantastic. I'm in love with Kellin..

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