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I'm not sure why I told Vic all of my secrets, I've never told anyone and I'm beginning to regret telling him, he hasn't said anything for a while and he can't even look at me, oh my god I knew this was a bad idea. I decided to grab my stuff and get out of there. Fuck, Kellin. What if he tells everyone? I got my stuff and as I headed for the door Vic's hands wrapped round my waste, not too tight though. I looked at him and his eyes were filled with sympathy, he looked me straight in the eye and said "I know about your dad hitting you, I'm so sorry..."


We had just gotten into my room when Kellin told me he had something to tell me.

"Okay, tell me" I said.

"Uh, well.. My dad hits me, he has done for years ever since my mum left us it's gotten worse and I'm not sure why I'm telling you this but sometimes I feel like I don't want to be here anymore, like living. Eh, I'm scared, and I have no friends at school 'cause Matty found out I was gay a few years ago and turned everyone against me and I've been feeling so alone for years until I met you. Like before all I wanted to do was kill myself, I even tried it a few times. And again I don't know why I'm telling you all of this and you don't need to be my friend anymore I can totally understand if you never want to speak to me again, I'm fucked up Vic."

Wow, I really wasn't expecting that, it took me a moment to take in everything he had just confessed to me, he really trusts me that much, I wasn't even looking at him now I didn't know what to say and before I knew what I was doing my arms wrapped around his waste and I told him I knew about his dad hitting him..

"W-what? How do you know?" He asked in shock.

"I eh, I seen yous yesterday and I wanted to help I really did but I thought that would just make things even worse, I'm sorry Kells."

I replied, feeling guilty.

"Hey, its fine I understand. Yeah it would of made things a lot worse, you don't hate me, do you?"

"Kells, I could never hate you." I replied, being completely honest.

I took him over to my bed, and we just sat cudding for a while, he was sobbing and I had no idea what to do, so I held him tighter and let him cry until he was finished.

He stopped a little while later and he looked up at me, and then he kissed me, it was a different kiss than usual this was a hungry kiss, a lust filled needy kiss. I could feel myself getting turned on and I really wanted to take it further and I was about to until I heard Mikey's familiar voice "hey Vic..oh shit, sorry I didn't know you had company" he said as he barged into my room, Kellin pushed me away and screamed like a little girl, I swear I've never laughed harder "it's okay Mikey, what's up?" I said once I'd finished laughin at Kellin, I could see him turn a shade of red and he sheepishly looked away from us, aw he's so cute when he's embarrassed.

"Me and the boys are going to phone in something to eat, was just wondering if you guys wanted anything?" Mike asked,

"Yeah, just order us whatever your having, that'd be great oh and remember to knock next time" I laughed, pointing to the door.

"Yeah, don't worry I will." He said and left the room.

After Mikey left the room I turned to see Kellin still looking a little embarrassed, I patted the spot on my bed next to me and told him to sit down. He looked up to me cupped his hands around my face and kissed me again, it was a gentle kiss this time though and then he pulled away and asked if it was okay to go for a shower before we get something to eat, I told him it was fine showed him where the shower was and went back to my room, come to think of it a shower would be a good idea, you know to maybe cool off a bit.

I heard the familiar click of the shower turning off and without thinking I took my shirt off, grabbed clean clothes and waited for Kellin to come back into the room, he walked through the door and then he just staired at me in shock, it took me a while to figure out what he was looking at, oh fuck. How am I going to explain this..


I walked into Vic's room after my shower, it was exactly what I needed, I shut the door and put my dirty clothes in my bag and turned around, when I saw all the cuts on Vic's arm, I just couldn't contain my anger. "VIC WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" I screamed at him.

"Oh that? Its nothing" he said and shrugged.


"Listen Kells, it doesn't matter, can we please not talk about it?"

Vic was practically begging me to drop it, but I wouldn't let this go.

" No Vic, I want to know why. I know its none of my business but I care about you, a lot more than I should. Can you please just tell me?"

Vic sighed, bit his bottom lip and nodded.

"Okay, um. I started... Cutting... A few years ago back in San Diego, itvwas the summer before I started my first year at high school.. Eh, I had a tone of friends, but my best friend was this girl called Lexus, be we all called her Lex for short, she was beautiful and I found out that year that she had a crush on me, I mean everyone knew I played for the other team but Lex was persistent so I decided to give her a chance and we dated for a few weeks of summer, I had to break up with her though I didn't want to keep hurting her, so we broke it off and like a week before school started I found out she killed herself, my friends hated me cause they blamed me, and I blame myself too if I hadn't messed with her emotions she might still be here.. And then things just got really bad, I was bullied everyday until I came here, and I really thought things would be different but my first day here that asshole Matty and his stupid friends decided to pick on me and then I seen your dad hitting you and I thought it was all my fault 'cause you came to see me.. I just can't help it, I can't stop it Kellin. Its my way of making myself feel better.." Vic was actually crying now, I had no idea that he was so troubled and filled with guilt. I don't care what he says, Lex's death wasn't his fault, and my dad hitting me definitely isn't and Matty's just an asshole. I pulled him intoy chest and hugged him, and I trailed my hand over his cuts on his arm. My poor Vic, so broken and vulnerable. I will fix him, and that's a promise.


I heard everything Vic and Kellin were talking about and I'm pretty sure Tony and Jaime did as well and judging by the look in their faces, they weren't happy about something. If they don't want to speak to me now because of what my brother just confessed then fine, fuck them. My family comes before anything or anyone. I was shocked, like really shocked. I had no idea Vic had been feeling guilty about Lexi's death for all these years, it wasn't his fault and everyone back home knew that, I was pissed at everyone actually Vic is the nicest guy I know and he didn't deserve all this. I looked over at Tony and Jaime and they were talking quietly.

"Hey Mike?" Tony asked pulling me from my thoughts

"Yeah?" Oh here it comes.

"Me and Jaime were talking, and we want to teach Matty and his crew a lesson. They can't get away with that, we both like Vic he's a great guy and we're going to put a stop to all this bullshit. You in?"

I smiled, I'm so glad my friends have my brothers back "Hell yeah." I said, and with that we sat and worked out a plan to teach these bastards a lesson.

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