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I left Kellin's at like eleven o'clock and walked the short way back to mine, Kellin of course kissed me goodbye. I cursed myself for not asking him what was happening with us, I know we just met but we've been through a lot already and I can actually feel myself liking him more and more. I sighed, unlocked my front door and headed for my room, I had to make sure my school stuff was sorted for tomorrow. I threw on sleeping clothes and climbed into bed, I managed to fall asleep pretty quickly..


I was happy that Vic came to see me, I really was. He had a look of total defeat on his face though and that made me wonder if anything else had happened to him while I wasn't there. He surprised me by not asking about my swollen face but I guess he knew I didn't want to talk about it, I've been sitting here all night wondering what I'm going to tell people if they ask, ha. I laughed at that thought. No-one gives a shit about what happens to me, I doubt anyone will ask. I surprised myself by kissing Vic goodbye though, I don't know why I keep kissing him, I like it though. I just hope Vic doesn't get attached because I will just end up breaking his heart. After he left, I went straight to bed and as usual sleep never came to me, I heard my drunk father coming home, I even heard the birds beginning to sing in the early hours of the morning. I groaned, rolled over, got up and went for a shower. Might as well do something since I won't be getting sleep..


School was quiet today, no-one said a word to me or even looked in my direction. I went to my classes, sat with Mike, Tony and Jaime at

lunch they were actually pretty cool guys and I'm really glad Mikey made some decent friends here. School finished and the four of us walked home, I learned that we all stayed on the same street, we got to our house and they both said that they would see us later, no doubt Mikey's asked if they can stay over tonight since its Friday. Well since Mikey was having friends over I'm going to invite Kellin. And with that I changed my clothes and went to Kellins.


"Hey Kells" Vic said as I opened my front door, I couldn't let him in 'cause my dad was still in the house.

"Oh,um, hey" I replied.

"You okay? You seem a bit different"

"Yeah, I'm good." I said.

"Um.. Okay, eh you wouldn't be up for staying at mine tonight would you? Mikey's having people over and I thought it would of been a nice idea if you stayed too" aw, he looks so adorable when he's nervous.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be over about 8 if that's okay? But I gotta go the now, uh, got, uh stuff to do." I said, well that wasn't a total lie.

"Alright, cool. See you later." Vic said and walked off.

I told my dad I was staying out, not that he would of noticed anyway it was nearing 8 now and I had told Vic I'd be at his soon, so I packed some things and headed for the door. I was abruptly stopped when my dad pulled the neck of my shirt back and practically choked me. Fuck, what does he want now? He spun me round and punched me in the stomach, I held back the tears. "And that was just because I can" he sneered and left me there. I stood up, and headed out the door.


Tony and Jaime showed up at around six, and they pretty much sat in Mikey's room all night I figured they would probably be watching Harry Potter since Mike was completely obsessed with it but it was just after eight now and Kellin still wasn't here, I put my jacket on and left the house only to bump right into Kellin on the path.

"Ah fuck" Kellin cried out in pain as I walked right into him, I didn't think I'd hit him that hard to be honest.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I asked.


"Um okay, come on inside then" I said as I shrugged off his previous comment.

We headed up the stairs and straight into my room, Kellin put his stuff down, turned to me and said in a quiet, scared voice

"Vic, I need to tell you something..."

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