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"W-what did you just say?" I asked, in total shock. I knew what Kellin had just said, but part of me wanted to be completely certain.

"I eh, I said I l-love you, Vic." Kellin said, looking really shy and his face changing colour and going a cute shade of pink.

"I love you too, Kells." I said back, I was being honest and I could feel my face getting hot and I was probably turning pink as well, but I didn't care. I was so happy. This was the perfect ending to a seriously shitty day.

Kellin didn't say anything after I'd confessed that I loved him back, instead he came closer and flung his arms around me, I loved having him so close to me, his head fit perfectly in my neck and today he smelt amazing. We sat cuddled up on the couch for hours, just talking about everything. We obviously had to decide what was going to happen between us and I had to convince him that it wasn't his fault that I ended up in the hospital, as I was telling him what happened his facial expressions changed a lot, he looked genuinely sad when I had finished.

I never got a chance to ask him why he looked so sad because Mikey and the guys came bouncing down the stairs and straight over to where we were sitting, I wasn't aware that our three seater sofa could fit five people on it, but it did and everyone seemed pretty comfy. Apparently Mikey wanted to watch Harry Potter, like every single one of the films. It bothered me a little though, cause all I wanted to do was spend time alone with Kellin, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I sighed and got comfy, with Kellins head still resting in the crease of my neck. This was going to be one long night, but as long as I had my boyfriend, brother and best friends by my side I was more than happy.


Me and the guys sat up on the top landing, we knew it was wrong and that we shouldn't be listening in on Vic and Kellins conversation but we couldn't help it. It was cute, the way the talked everything through and I'm so glad my big brothers happy eventually. I got a great idea, we should have a Harry Potter marathon. So with that me and the guys headed downstairs, I went and put the popcorn in the microwave it was the sweet flavour. I think, well I hope everyone likes it cause that's all we've got in the house. I brought in 3 big bowls, and a couple bottles of juice and settled down on the sofa with the guys. This was nice, it was exactly what was needed after a very stressful two days.




I woke up around 8am, which isn't like me I could sleep all day.

I felt a heavyweight at the side of my body and I turned my head to be greeted with a sleeping Kellin. How the two of us managed to fit and sleep all night on this confused me, but I was happy. I woke up next to the boy I love. I smiled at that thought, stretched and got up carefully not wanting to disturb a sleeping Kellin. I wasn't even looking at the floor, it was only when Tony started whining like a little girl because I'd accidentally stood on him that I realised the guys must have fell asleep down here too.

"Sorry, Tone." I chuckled and climbed over him, I guess his whining woke everyone up because there was a few unhappy groans coming from the sleepy bodies that were scattered about the living room.

I headed towards the kitchen 'cause I really needed a drink, I pulled out what I think was apple juice and poured myself a glass and downed it, I poured another for myself, and got extra glasses out the cupboard for the guys and walked back into the living room handing everyone their drinks. Kellin, surprisingly was still fast asleep, he looked cute, so we left him sleeping, quietly tidied up our mess and headed up to Mikey's room.


I woke up around 9am on Vic's sofa by myself, typical they all fell asleep first and woke up first. I cursed Vic for not waking me up, i probably looked a total mess and he saw me like that, I sat up groaning in my sleepy state and a huge smile crossed my face as i thought of last night, i fell asleep in Vics arms and that made me really happy, it was the first time in a while that I've felt completely relaxed and I managed to sleep for hours which is unusal, but i enjoyed it. I head someone coming down the stairs, but I was still in my sleepy state so I didn't bother moving, it was Vic he came in, flopped down beside me and flung an arm round my shoulders

"Good Morning, beautiful" he beemed, oh someone's in a good mood today.

"Morning babe." I replied smiling. Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa, he mumbled something and practically dragged me up the stairs and into Mikey's room? I guessed it was Mikey's because there were band posters all over the walls and Harry Potter stuff everywhere, I swear that boys obsessed! I had sort of woken up a little when the guys greeted me, there was a lot of excited chatter and the guys actually looked so hiped up.

"Vic, what's going on?" I asked still in my sleepy voicr., I really thought I'd woken up properly, guess not.

"The guys wanted to start a band, and we wanted you to be the first person to hear us. So you can, uh tell us what you think" Vic replied, looking really nervous. Aw, cute.

"Yeah, but don't let your relationship with Vic cloud your opinion on us dude" Mikey added.

All I could do was nod, this was pretty exciting and I hoped to god they were good.

The guys set up the instruments and I took a seat on the bed, not taking my eyes off of Vic. He was biting his lip and pushing his hair out of his eyes, god why is he so attractive.

They started playing, and they were really, really good. I got caught up in the lyrics, and I wondered what they meant to the guys personally. It wasn't until I heard Vic sing "and if I mean anything to you, I'm sorry but I've made up my mind" that I knew exactly what he was singing about. Once they'd finished they all looked at me, Tony and Mikey had hopeful expressions on their faces while Vic and Jaime looked really nervous, I noticed Vic was still biting his lip.

"You guys are great, seriously. That was amazing. What's the band called?" I said, kind of rushed.

"Thanks Kellin, you really think so? And we're going to be called Pierce The Veil." Mikey beemed.

I nodded in reply to his question and looked over at Vic, who was smiling from ear to ear now, he nodded to the guys and grabbed my hand again, and I was out of Mikey's room and straight into Vic's bedroom in a second a couple of seconds later the door was locked and Vic's lips were crashing onto mine. I have a feeling this day is about to get a whole lot better.

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