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I hate hospitals, I really do and it was really hard for me to stay here, but I had too for Vic. Our parents were on their way back and Jaime, Tony and Kellin were here with me. I really wanted to find out what had made Vic want to take his own life. Kellin came over to me and told me he was really sorry and then he left, I didn't actually think much of it at the time, a while later the nurse told me I could go in and see him, I'm not sure I even let her finish her sentence and I was sprinting down the ward to his room.


My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I physically feel drained and I've got this horrible dizzy feeling. When I woke up I had no idea where I was, it took me a moment to figure out I was in a hospital, crap. I wasn't supposed to be here, I sighed and tried to get out of bed but as soon as I stood up I fell back down, I was so sure I was going to hit the cold hard floor beneath me, but I never did. Mike had caught me just in time, he's always at the right place at the right time. He got me back into bed and handed me a glass of water.

"Hey Vic, how you feeling?" Mikey asked quietly.

"I feel like death warmed up." I replied into the glass, I noticed Mike shooting me a sad look "nah, I'm joking I feel a lot better. How you doing Mikey?"

"Aw, yeah I'm okay.. You know, I found my big brother lying on the floor barley alive. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED VIC?"

"Uh, do you have my phone?" I asked

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Do you have my fucking phone Mikey?" I said, a little harshly.

"Eh, yeah" he said looking a little taken aback and handing me my phone. I scrolled through the texts and handed the phone back to him when I found the one I wanted to show him, I watched his face change from sympathetic to sad and then to pure anger. He handed me my phone back, told me he'd come see me later and then left the room. I have no idea what I've just caused, but I know it wouldn't be good.


I reread the words of the text in my head as I headed home

"You are the reason Lex killed herself, it should of been you that died. You're a fag, gayboy. You're an abomination to society. Why don't you go kill yourself. Its Lexus' anniversary today, I hope you can't live with yourself. When I find you, I will get you." Vic wasn't the reason Lex killed herself and most people knew that but I guess others aren't so up to date with what actually happened, although after today I can promise they will be.


Mike came running out of Vic's hospital room and headed straight for the door, of course Jaime and I followed him. He did not look happy at all, and at first I thought it was because he had a fight with Vic but I soon found out that wasn't the case.


When my parents came to get me from the hospital, I was allowed to go home. I was glad, hospitals suck. I kept receiving worrying looks from my parents all the way home but I ignored them, I really didn't need this right now. My parents made me up a bed on the couch cause they didn't think it would be appropriate for me to go into my room just yet. They couldn't stay in with me today though, they had really important work stuff to attend to and I wasn't exactly complaining I didn't actually want to be stuck in with my parents after everything that's happened.

I was laying on the couch dozing off every now and then I must have neen there for a couple of hours when the door went, I still wasn't steady on my feet but it looked like no-one else was home so I shakily stood up and as steadily as I could answered the door, before I knew it I was being pushed into my own house and up against the back wall, I felt hands around my throat getting tighter and tighter all I could hear was this guy shouting at me telling me it should of been me that died, but as quick as it started it stopped.I slid down the wall trying to get my breath back. I looked up and saw Mikey -told you he's always there at the right time -,Jaime and Tony they all looked seriously pissed off and I guess I was just about to find out why.

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