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I must have been sleeping what, twenty minutes before I heard someone banging on my door. That scared me, no-one knows where I stay and its half two in the afternoon, who would be at my door anyway? I sleepily got up from my bed, stretched and then a wave of pain came coursing through my whole body I need to make a mental note that I can't do that for a while. It wasn't until I got to the bottom of my stairs that I noticed I was shirtless I was more than sure I had one of before I feel asleep but I shrugged the thought off and answered the door. To my complete surprise Kellin was there. He gave a horrified look and scanned my whole naked torso too get a proper look at the damage, not even a minute later his lips where crashing onto mine. So many thoughts went through my head at that one moment, "does he know I'm gay? Is he gay? " we must of been kissing for no longer than a minute but I swear it felt like forever and then the kiss stopped. I looked over to see Kellin looking down sheepishly his cheeks puffing and going red, he looks so adorable when he's nervious.

"Hey Kells" I chuckled and flashed him my best smile.


"Hey Vic" I answered shyly. I honestly didn't know what to say, he didn't look angry or upset with me in fact he laughed and smiled at me. I'm not even sure what made me do it, I don't usually initiate anything, I've never even been kissed before but here I am as bold as anything kissing this stranger?!

"Uh, so, what happened to you? Who done this to you?" I could feel myself getting angry as I asked Vic each question, we were now sitting in his living room, but he was silent, it was at that moment I noticed Vic does this really cute thing where he bites on his bottom lip while he's deep in thought.

"No, I don't know who done it, and I'm not really sure what happened either.." Vic trailed off, he was still busy thinking about whatever it was.

"I think I might have an idea as to who done it, well no, I don't think I know who it was." I said quietly, Vic's eyes shot up to mine and he looked terrified, why? I have no idea. But I guess I would be scared too if that had just happened to me and there's some stranger sitting on my couch that just randomly kissed me and is now telling me I know who attacked me.

"W-who?" Was all he could say

"Uh, Matty Mullins and his douchebag friends, they wanted me to pour food over you in the cafeteria and I just walked out of the school and went home, but then I got a text and it was a picture of you lying there, bleeding with the caption saying 'you're next'" I said, looking at Vic for any signs of emotion, to my surprise he just broke down in front of me.

" No, no Kells. I don't want you getting hurt." Vic cried, I took his face in my hands, wiped away his tears and forcefully pressed my lips against his "no-one is ever going to hurt us again, I promise" and I sure as hell meant every word, because I have a plan.

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