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I must have been out cold for maybe an hour at least, I tried opening my eyes but quickly shut them again when the light was too bright and it was literally hurting me. I slowly shifted to my feet and that's when I noticed I'm still outside the school gates, of course school must still be on or someone would of helped me, right? I didn't even want to think that everyone had just left me or walked past and hadn't done anything to help. I walked down the street and headed for my house, there was no way in hell I was going back to school now. I fumbled in my pocket and found my keys, quickly unlocking the door and relocking it when I got inside, I called out to see if my parents were home and not to my surprise they weren't, see that's the good thing about my mum and dad they worked all the time and didn't come home till about sixish every night.

I ran up the stairs and straight into my room and that's when I fully looked at the damage that had been done to me. I was covered in blood I had cuts and bruises already starting to show all over my face. Showers always make me feel better so I slipped off my dirty blood soaked shirt and skinnies and jumped into the shower once I was done I hid my clothes in the back of my closet, took out some clean sweats and a shirt and climbed into my bed trying to hold every part of me that hurt. I couldn't shake the thought of what happened to me not even a few hours ago, I was attacked my first day at that shitty school and some punks think it was hilarious to just start picking on me, that's not fair they don't even know me. But I guess I would have picked on me too, I'm that type of person that doesn't even need to say anything and yet everyone will still hate me.

I quickly changed my thoughts though, I started thinking about that attractive boy in my maths class that acted a bit weird but he still smiled at me and his smile is just perfection, I'm sure his books had the name Kellin on them, so for the next twenty minutes or so I thought about Kellin until I drifted off to sleep.


I went to lunch by myself like I always did, I've been in this school just over 3 years and I still dont have any friends. Don't get me wrong I used to have friends tones of them, until Matty found out I was gay and turned everyone against me. I sat at my usual table right up the back of the cafeteria just sitting envying everyone that had someone to talk too and laugh with, I even noticed that new guy Vic sitting with 3 other people, he's not even been here a day and he's managed to make friends, I sat there silently cursing my awkwardness until I noticed someone walking over to me, I recognized him straight away it was Matty Mullins. Great what the fuck does he want?

"Hey Kellin" Matty said once he'd sat down in front of me.

"What do you want Matty?" I sighed knowing this would probably end badly for me, it always does.

"Oh right, yeah well you see that new kid over there?" I nodded when he pointed to Vic, oh god I don't want to hurt him. "Yeah well I want you to pour your tub of ice cream all down him" Matty said with a shrug.

"What? No! I'm not doing it." I shouted a little.

"Kellin" Matty said through gritted teeth "I've stopped people picking on you, I stopped them from hurting you. Do you want all that to start up again? The bullying, etc?.." I knew he could get people to come and harass me, and frankly I didn't need anymore beatings from the school bullies I got enough of that at home. But I really did not want to do that to Vic. So I sighed got up from my table and left the cafeteria, yeah that was probably a stupid idea but I could handle myself and I could handle whatever Matty flung my way. What I couldn't handle however, was hurting Vic. I stormed out of school and made my way home, everything was peaceful and I was about to doze off when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and clicked on the text. It was a picture with the caption "you're next." I flung my phone at the other side of the room when I realised what they dicks had done to Vic. I sat in silence for maybe five minutes before I decided to shove on some clothes and go make sure Vic was alright, I knew where he stayed it was only a few doors away from me actually, I'd seen his family unpack things and I noticed Vic a few times. So with that I picked my keys and my phone up off the floor, joggied the short path to Vic's house and knocked on the door. I must have been standing there for about ten minutes just banging on the door, maybe he's not in I thought and as I went to turn away and walk down the little stone path I heard the familiar click of the door handle being turned and there he was, all battered and bruised cuts forming on his face, he had scared tired eyes and then his expression softened a little, I couldn't help but do what I did next, we were standing so close and I just kissed him.

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