Chapter Twenty: Distraction and Identification

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I sat in my chair, my legs draped over the arm as I made my way through The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone, in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil-

The door burst open and I looked up to see Sherlock, wielding a harpoon, covvered from head to toe in blood. My jaw dropped.

"Well that ws tedious." He stated.

"You went on the tube like that?" I looked at John.

"That's your biggest concern about this picture?" I asked.

"None of the cabs would take me."

"Maybe because they thought you'd just murdered someone!" I exclaimed. "Give me your clothes. I'll wash them."


Once I'd gotten Sherlock's clohtes in the wah I came back upstairs to find him clean, in his dressing gown, pacing around the room with the harpoon still in hand. John was reading the newspaper.

"I'm just gonna...take that." I said, gently removing the harpoon from his hand and leaning it against the wall.

"Nothing?" He questioned.

"Military coup in Uganda."


"Hm...Another photo of you and Claudia with the uh..."

"Ugh." I chuckled to myself, sitting down on the couch.

"Cabinet reshuffle?"

"Nothing of importance?! OH GOSH!"  He stopped, looking at John. "John. I need some. Get me some."

"No, don't you dare." I told him.


"Get me some."

"No. Cold turkey, we agreed, no matter what. Anyway, you paid everyone off, remember? No-one within a two-mile radius will sell you any."

"Stupid idea. Whose idea was that?" John cleared his throat.

"Mrs. Hudson!" He walked over to the desk beginning to throw papers off of it.

"Look, Sherlock, you're doing really well, don't give up now!" 

"Tell me where they are. Please, tell me."

"Sherlock, stop." I said. He turned to me, sitting on the couch beside me.

"Claudia, you're so beautiful today, new dress?" i rasied my eyebrows. He knew full well this dress was not new. "Please, my dear, tell me where they are." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Sherlock. I'm a bit disappointed you even tried that." He stood up, throwing his arms in the air.



"I'll let you know next week's lottery numbers." i shook my head.

"No, thank you."

"I'll take you out. Would you like that? Dinner, fancy resteraunt-"

"Sherlock, I'm not helping you!" I exclaimed. He ran over to the fireplace, digging in it.

"Yoo hoo." Mrs. Hduson said, entering the room.

"My secret supply, what have you done with my secret supply?!"


"Cigarettes, what have you done with them? Where are they?" He asked.

"You never let me touch your things! Oh, chancd would be a fine thing." She replied.

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