Chapter Thirty-Nine: Goodbye

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John sat in a chair in Mycroft's office while I paced back and forth. It all made sense now. The asking us to watch Sherlock, it wasn't just about's because this whole thing...all of it...was Mycroft's fault. When Mycroft entered the room, it was John he saw first.

"She has really done her homework, Miss Riley." John stated.

"There are quite a lot things that she now knows, that are only things that someone close to Sherlock would know. There are three names on that list, ours and yours, and it's rather obvious that John and I didn't go sharing information with Moriarty, so what did you do, Mycroft?" I asked.

"So, how does it work then, your relationship? You go out for a coffee now and then, you and Jim?"

"He is your brother! Your own brother, and you have gone and told his entire life story to the one person that has the potential to destroy him. He wants to in fact!" I exclaimed.

"I never intended...I never dreamt-"

"This, see this is why you called John and I here. You wanted to tell us to look out for Sherlock, because you had screwed up, and you wanted us to be there to clean up your mess. Now I already know that you know him, because of our little Irene Adler experience, so explain this to me Mycroft, how did this happen?!"

"People like him, we...know about them, we watch them. But James Moriarty...the most dangerous criminal mind the world has ever seen,  and in his pocket is the ultimate weapon, a key code. A few lines of computer code that can unlock any door."

"So...let me guess. You took him in, interrigated him the best you could. But it didn't mattter because trivial things like interrogation don't work on Moriarty. But he'd talk to you, just a bit, and in return you had to tell him everything that you knew about Sherlock, how close am I?" I asked. He sighed, but nodded. "He played you, Mycroft!" I was fuming at this point, tugging angrily at my hair.

"So there's one big lie. Sherlock's a fraud. But people will swallow it because the rest of its true. Moriarty wanted Sherlock destroyed, right? And you have given him the perfect ammunition." John stood up, preparing to leave.

"I'm sorry." Mycroft said.

"Oh, please." John scoffed, walking out the door.

"Tell him, would you?" He asekd me. I shook my head.

"Tell him yourself. Unless you can't because this psychopath bloody kills him, in whcih've got much bigger problems than Moriarty coming your way." I said, walking out the door.


After receiving a text from Sherlock, we met him at Bart's. When we found him, he was sitting up against the counter on the floor, tossing a ball into the wall across from him.

"Got your message." John said as we came in.

"The computer code is key to this. If we find it, we can use it, beat Moriarty at his own game."

"What do you mean use it?"

"He used it to create a false identity, so we can use it to break into the records and destroy Richard Brook."

"And bring back Jim Moriarty again." Sherlock stood up.

"Somewhere in 221B, somewhere, on the day of the verdict, he left it hidden."

"Uh, huh. What did he touch?" John asked.

"An apple, nothing else."

"Did he write anything down?"

"No." I thought back to when he was in our flat. He was drumming on his knees with his fingers. I started drumming on the table, silently telling Sherlock. He looked at my fingers, then at me. I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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